The Black Problem

Important and uncensored information on the black problem.

How do we end their reign of terror?

Comprehensive PDF available here containing all the information in this thread and much more: (67 pages, 50 MB)

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Lol, reading stats in a vaccum

Classic Any Forums retards

ignore this shill

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They're just stopping white beta-males from doing crimes themself. Even if you remove all the black from earth, the crime statistics are going to be just as high, mark my words on the day you delete all the black men...


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Op is also Korean. Their country doesn't have a "black problem". Clearly being paid for this.

Any country where black people are has a black problem.

I'm sure you'll stick to that story while you're on the clock. For people that claim to hate "paid shills" they certainly eat this shit up around here. Have fun with your psyop I guess.

Sadly this isn't a story.

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