Reproducible my dick

>alsa clients don't work with pipewire
>reinstall the whole OS with same /home and nix configuration
>no issues now

Attached: 1602090661676.png (1183x1024, 88.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

install guix

ok here i go
guix inst- *hangs*

>tinkertranny distro is broken
how shocking
just use guix
or better yet, use a proper distro like debian

>filesystem got corrupted
>thing breaks
truly maintainers' fault
nice server distro faggot don't forget to get internet aids for running firefox from 2017 and building manually 30 gorillion packages that aren't in the repo or ppa

>thing breaks due to state corruption
>delete state files
>restart the offending program or reboot
>just werks
No other distro can do this. State is the source of all evil. It's a necessary evil, but the less state you have, the fewer problems you have. NixOS can minimize the amount of state on your system like no other distro can.

the absolute state of fptards

Or even better use guix on Debian. You don't need to install the distro to use the package manager.

Only because Guix is shit as a distro

well of course it is a shit distro, just like nixos, but it's still better at what it does than nixos

No, NixOS is actually viable. Guix is just garbage, both as a distro and as a package manager, but when you only use it as a package manager it does less damage overall

nixos is aboslutely not viable for anything else than tinkering

Nix is a meme. Cope harder.
>The Nix package manager is “sourcebased” like Guix and distributes its package definitions as a Git repository. It does not currently implement Git checkout authentication and secure updates. A proposal requiring committers to sign commits was rejected, mainly for two reasons: (1) it would make it impossible to perform Git merges (accepting “pull requests”) from the GitHub web interface, and (2) GitHub is effectively considered a trusted third party [5]. Nix also features a newer and more decentralized mechanism to distribute packages called flakes; flake authentication has been discussed but those discussions have not come to fruition yet [18]. (Page 19)

>security theater cope
Let me know when you have an actual argument

holy cope

Attached: cope.jpg (1024x768, 122.81K)

guixtard cope

Security is actually a lesser issue. The big one is autonomy. Microsoft could ban people from github with any or no reason. This means that nix people have constantly make sure not to upset microsoft.
> Spicy anti-vax take
> Banned from github hence nix
This really isn't a farfetched scenario.

That's a very far-fetched scenario. There is no reason why you would post anti-vax takes on a code repository's collaboration board. Even if getting banned from GitHub were an actual risk, it's as easy as
>boot self-hosted GitLab instance under the domain
>migrate repo or upload local checkout
>move on with life

As for the building manually complaint, if you can't fucking unpack the tar, make a symlink, then a desktop entry, you're just retarded.

Attached: Fa0DLv4UYAAYgNG.jpg (1478x1108, 211.74K)

nix is a very interesting idea but the ecosystem is pure garbage, the repos prioritize quantity over quality and barely anything but the bare essentials is tested.

They've had the issue of gdm crashing every time you changed your display inputs since they released gnome 42 on the repos, I opened an issue on github asking that they updated the gdm version, the idiot didn't seemingly have the issue, so I am unable to use this distro because it's just unusable with that bug.