Smartphones should stop having internal storage

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are you actually literally retarded?
all smartphones have had external media since the early 2000
Only apple doesn't.

>every other manufacturer: noooo you can’t expand storage because we removed the sd card slot
>sony: go ahead king, use that 2tb microSD card

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Hmm. Wonder if you could do something like "mount /dev/mmcblk0 /data" to effectively use an ext4-formatted SD card as the /data partition. I did something like this but with the entire system back on the Nokia N800 though it was Maemo not Android.

Apps that can be moved to sd card are only shit. I'm dealing with tech illiterate. His phone is full because of fucking WhatsApp. End up moving all his pictures to sd card. I probably have to do that again in a week or so.

Samefag here, I rooted his phone but f up somehow. Nothing was lost but I'm not feeling like doing it again.

Actually, typing this reminded me what went wrong. Some kind of security settings blocked it from turning on. The more I typed, the more I feel like doing it again.. on his 8gb phone.

>Smartphones should stop having internal storage
Yes, I'm sure phone manufacturers will get no support calls from people who "replaced the sd card" and now their phones don't boot because the OS installation was removed with the old SD card. Sounds like a great idea.

Phones should boot directly from the cloud. The only storage should be a base ROM that loads the OS image from the nearest cell tower.

Attached: do_it.webm (640x640, 121.75K)

>reboot phone
>welp that's my data allowance shot for the month

>slow ass storage for the ROM/OS
OP you have outdone yourself on the faggotry this time.

Don't worry, all plans offer unlimited data to your favorite social networks and shopping sites, and cloud boot never counts towards your data allowance!

>His phone is full because of fucking WhatsApp
yeah that thing is a bloated pile of shit
>Phones should boot directly from the cloud
>Don't worry, all plans offer unlimited data to your favorite social networks and shopping sites
most mentally deranged post of the day. well done.

Quality bait.

>OP you have outdone yourself on the faggotry this time.
it's fine for small applications that aren't going to read/write large amounts of data to the card. anything else gets a bit shit very quickly.

>he doesn't know

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Maybe you missed the part where OP said "stop having internal storage"?

How many devices support these?
Exactly, an entire OS is too much.

>Never run out of space ever again.
i hear this one time and time again

>How many devices support these?
If they were to replace internal storage, it stands to reason they would support it.

Alright, next: you're a normie and sd card corrupts and literally everything including the OS and your 2FA codes are now all locked indefinitely on the card. How do you go about reinstalling the OS?

Not sure why you think that the media would be more likely to corrupt just because it's a soldered Flash chip.

>tards buy the cheapest microsd cards they can find
>literally 10 KB/s write speeds on small blocks
>30 minutes to boot
>trying to install any app just times out

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>it's not* a soldered flash cip

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That's a good shitpost. We need more of them

Op here. Yes I was being extreme with the title.

Fuck WhatsApp. I'm actually on the lower end of bloat (media restore takes up few hundred mbs). When I look up how to skip it, they're restoring 2gb of media.

It's because I ate it.