Metal bands you just either never really got into or just couldn't get into. If possible elaborate

Metal bands you just either never really got into or just couldn't get into. If possible elaborate
And Fleshgod Apocalypse. Something about those double drums sound like computers and like they're using triggers and engineering tricks. Too much double bass is only impressive if you're 14.

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what is that

>what is that
tell me your new without telling me your new

also on topic : ghost. like they dont SUCK but they damn sure are mid as fuck

Avenged sevenfold. Like i would never go up to someone who loves avenged sevenfold and just call them gay or shit on them, it isnt 2005 anymore but i just couldnt ever get into them and they seemed so poserish and basic.

it means anal sex in zoomer speak

Checkem, holy trips confirm picrel means gay sex in zoomer speak


Ghost fucking blows. Hate how their fan base is so fixated on ZOMG S000 SATANICCCC LMAO 666
agreed. syn is a talented guitarist, no denying that. band has a few catchy songs if you're into that scene but i never wanted to wear gay little wristbands or fender t shirts. burn it down was a pretty decent song though and the sweeps in afterlife are impressive for what it's worth.

I never understood his dream, until I understood his cream.

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Definitely, i mean they are good objectively, they know? They just are, its like pickle flavored candies, maybe some people like em, i dont hate em, they exist. Its like it wants to be metal, but it kind of is and isnt at the same time. I'd honestly rather listen to weezers blue album over anything a7x has done. Maybe ill check it out but I dont see it.

I was 14 on the west coast when A7X hit the scene with waking the fallen or whatever it was. They were overplayed all to hell for me but I understand their importance in the scene. I was a skater so pretty much every playlist was A7X, BFMV, trivium, atreyu, etc lmao

Again, not bad stuff. Especially in that era, lots of different sound. As i lay dying, trivium, darkest hour, black dahlia murder, different strokes for different folks I guess

Black Dahlia kicked some fucking ass. Unhallowed was aight, I got it for free at the local record shop as a little metal madness promo but Miasma and Nocturnal ruled. Sad they kinda tapered off after Ritual but they got way too formulaic for me. I couldn't tell you the name of any songs after Everblack dropped.

Pic related

Chelsea Grinn sucks

Dance Gavin Dance. I've never listened to them because of the name but they got huge out of nowhere.

Cannibal corpse. Megadeth. Motorhead. Gojira. Lamb of God. DragonForce. I'd binge all them in a row before I willingly listen to Rammstein though.
No judgement when I talk to someone that does like them. Just not for me

Old Chelsea was pretty dope and helped solidfy the sound of the scene. Kind of a "had to be there" type of deal to me. They do suck mighty hard nowadays though and that brief album they had with Jason Richardson feels so out of place for everyone involved.

Heart felt

Gojira seems to get lumped in with a slew of bands they don't belong with. I like a lot of their material but it can be easy to tune out too. Gotta be in the right mood I guess. Rammstein does suck a hallway full of fat cocks though

One band I never understood the love for is Mastodon. Something just never clicked there for me.

new ghost album is awful