Name one thing trump actually did during his time as president good or bad

Name one thing trump actually did during his time as president good or bad

Attached: trump-portrait_square.jpg (3072x3072, 780.82K)

He surmised drinking bleach would cure Covid

no I mean like one thing he did the actually changed the country I feel like a lot of ppl love him or loathe him did he even do anything memorable at all?

Fucked Melania, which I would classify as good.

>things that totally happened
can't wait to gas you faggots

sent me $1400 cheque

this is what blows my mind. people always tell me that democrats are 'socialists' and will just give money away. but i've gotten checks from both bush AND trump. got a biden one too. but holy fuck. i fucking love socialism, thats why i vote republican. also, that free PPP loan, that i dont have to pay back, hahahahahaha. fucking sweeeeeeeet

Good? Nothing.. Bad? Everything!!

he played golf almost every day

After 2 years into his presidency, I noticed all the usual Mexican and Chinese made components at work started coming in from Illinois and Wisconsin instead. This meant manufacturing job growth. I know during the Oboma years, the media kept touting economic recovery while about every 2 weeks I continued to have notices of a new plant closure come across my desk. It's like pissing on my head and telling me it's raining.

He hid in a bunker, from trannies.

ah yes you keep a close eye on mexican and chinese components, as one does

Got a diet coke button installed the white house desk

Visited Mar-a-Lago over 100 times at our expense.

One word: mean tweets.

If you'd ever worked a job that didn't involved fryer baskets then you might, too.

Exiting TPP day one

Made tiny dicked loser faggots seethe. Still does.

Automotivefag here, I can tell you flip burgers for a living.

if you have to be physically there for your job, you're doing it wrong

He tried to steal the election

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>he played golf almost every day
He also had 2 scoops of icecream and said mean tweets, but my paychecks went a hell of a lot further. They should had gave him 3 scoops!

Attached: 20180213-trump-ice-cream-2000.jpg (2000x1125, 988.12K)

>oh, that button? don't worry. nobody wants me to press that button.
I miss that orange nigga

Made half of the population talk about him because they love him, and half the population talk about him because they hate him

tell me you weigh 400 lbs without saying it