Tomorrow is the big day and my boyfriend and I are gonna fuck. In previous relationships I was always the top but since we're both versatile I'm gonna top AND bottom tomorrow. But how the fuck do I go about cleaning my ass from the inside? I read people online saying that if you've just had a shit and wiped, you should be able bottom without dirt. But there's fucking poop in my rectum before, during and after shitting?!

I got myself one of those ballpump enemas and while it cleans out a bit, I can't say that it makes everything 100% clean. Am I using it wrong? I fill it with water, put the nozzle in, spray, remove nozzle, shit the water out. Repeat.

I want ZERO shit in my rectum tomorrow at noon, HOW?!

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invest in a bidet

I bidet only sprays against the ass, not inside of it. Can't have one installed in this hole anyway. My cheeks and hole are picture-perfect clean. It's the insides that I'm worried about.

If you let it inside it will clean the inside. Hit the bullseye.

Sounds weird but it got messy every time that I used that enema thingy
And it's perfectly clean when im not using it
Have fun with your bf btw

Well as I said, I can't have a bidet here and definitely not before tomorrow.

Just get water up there one way or another and keep doing it until the water that comes out is clean, if ur gonna go super deep then make sure to face down ass up and fill up your insides and breath until you can feel it in your colon and rinse and repeat. It's not complicated.

Easy. It is all about eating once a day or within a 4 hour time frame. instead of eating and snacking throughout the day. This in addition to the enema, you'll be clean almost whenever you want.

I eat between 4-8pm. I usually have a bowel movement within 8-12 hours. then i can use the enema to get the rest out. that leaves me like 10am-10pm that I can be fucked without poop.

Thanks guys! Was thinking about a diet change (especially with more fibers etc.) anyway. But some of these hints should also work on the short term.

Question: should I take imodium to solidify my shit and to not have to go as often as a last-minute solution for tomorrow?

Wipe and try to be on top.

take your life elsewhere disgusting maggot.
This isn't a place for you.

Implying Any Forums isn't the place for literally any deviant of any kind. If you don't wanna see shit that falls outside of your expectations, don't go to a board that's literally called "random"...

Enjoy your diseases.

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This is a nice thread.

Faggots assholes are self cleaning like vaginas you are good

Dont let him touch your balls or its gay.

dont bother with enemas and all that bullshit that aint nobody has the time for
just use a bidet over the toilet, relax your spincter and get water up there. Continue until you feel full enough and then let go. Rinse and repeat. If needed use a finger or two as well.
>i dont have a bidet
tough luck. I've heard a showerhead with the head removed works as well. IT'll be quite messy though

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Water doesn't always get it all. Not gay but a buddy of mine uses toilet bowl cleaner he swears by it. Just a couple rounds of works followed by a quick water rinse and you should be good to go!

Repent faggot

Remove showerhead
warm, and non strong water let it fill you
get up and move around, walk for 30 seconds or so
shit it out

do this till everything is gone. Might take a bit of your time but you want to be absolutely clean

oh please, like we can't see what you faggots have been trying to do to this place for a few years ago.
Take your disgusting diseased lifestyle and find somewhere else who might accept you.

Put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger, sodomite.

Sadly my showerhead is fixed to the ceiling :c
I'll move next year anyway.
And we're gonna take over even more of your places ^_^
I'll live just to spite you with my existence