Why does she look so ugly in the 2nd movie?

Why does she look so ugly in the 2nd movie?

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Thanks OP
I was not aware that there is a second movie out.
How is it compared to the first one?

time slows down for no one

She looks about the same.

They should have cast Shana Rae...I swear I would jerk off in the theater... I may still jerk off in the theater...

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she was literally 12 in the first movie and she's about o be 26 now. She hit the wall immediately after the release of the second one and now shes just an aging jewess.

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did not know about second movie

Awesome. A second movie. I'm gonna watch it.

It hasn't released yet dumbfuck

Antimatter man is a deadbeat loser! He sat on Spinel and squashed her, now she can't breathe like Forge Geloyd

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The OP doesn't want to see ANY grannies in his thread whatsoever! Do not, I repeat, DO NOT post a granny in his thread. He only wants to see young lasses.

rare andy sixx witnessed

Who the fuck is it, and what fucking movie?

She suffers from a rare disease. She's suppose to look 33 in the movie. There wasn't any reason to cast an actual child in the original, FYI.

Loggening 2; Return of the Log

a girl from an asylum who has a birth disorder which makes her look like a child but she is like 30 and her objective is to kill the entire family that adopted her nigger

Thanks user
I was not aware that it was not released yet.
How is it compared to the first one in terms of hype?



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It still spooks me how she made that boy piss himself in the first one.

i think she looks good. still hotter in the first movie though

>time slows down for no one
Except for an elite feeding off of adrenochrome


too old.

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is it colonbine log shooter Eric Harixx?

In no universe does a drunk guy STOP a hand job, at this point

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she got older and you’re a raging pedo

nah that shit turns your skin orange

Total soygirl face

>and now shes just an aging jewess.

You say it like it's a bad thing