Climate Change is Bullshit

Climate Change is Bullshit

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The climate never changes?

Op sucks all the cocks

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I imagine owing an apartment and someone painted that ugly ass disparity of a potato right out your window

Entirely correct.


paint ball time

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Earth's climate is changing and has been changing since the planet was formed 4,540,000,000 years ago.

Things have been dying for 100s of millions of years, so you should kys as fast as possible. Why wait? It's natural

And the weather just happened to get suddenly more erratic around the exact same time as the industrial revolution and since then but that's just a coincidence.
Motherfucker you couldn't decipher a real conspiracy if it were glued to your hands.

Climate change and global warming was a thing way before humans got here.
The fuck you smoking?

>It's natural
So is rape. What's your address?
>And the weather just happened to get suddenly more erratic around the exact same time as the industrial revolution
Did it?

Believing climate change is fake is a signifier for profound mental retardation. Congrats on falling for a conspiracy that's literally 70 years old

Record-breaking heat waves every year for the past 40 years.
>yeh maybe

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Except for 1940-1980, that's not erratic at all.
Do you understand what erratic means?
Not that that's particularly relevant, since all I pointed out what that the Earth's climate has been changing for the duration of its existence.
Do you have any response to that? Do you believe that the Earth's climate did not change prior to the Industrial Revolution?
>Record-breaking heat waves
Based on what records?

Try facts you fucking faggots. Stop reading Bloomberg and posting hockey sticks form Wikipedia. The planet is back to 80s temps and storms are getting less severe.. You posting "nuh uh" is nothing more than hand waving and Pelosi grins every time you do it. Look at the real data and you'll see that literally nothing is changing but us getting cooler and the Earth greening. You faggoty assholes want to cut down all the forests to industrialize the landscape and dig more mines. As usual, you're believing your handlers' lies. Fuck off.

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It is
The climate always changes. It just isn't human driven. Co2 doesn't cause warming, human driven or otherwise. The Sahara was once fertile 60k years ago. I just don't know why the climate changes. Maybe nobody does. But they won't admit it due to hubris. So they pay >experts to tell you its your fault. The ozone layer hasn't changed since the 70s.

Is this one of those graphs that records the poles going from -45°F to -35°F and then averages that into the entire global average while literally nothing changed? You seem like one of those cucks.

climate change is real

there is no solution

we're speed running extinction

and i welcome it.

This is the op that posts Greta all the time. Your a fucking weirdo with a strange fascination with children and women that look like children. Kys op

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assume that climate change is fake or even pretend that the earth has a constant temperature for that matter.
if that temperature happens to be 100°f/38°c and it is possible for us to adjust the temperature to a more comfortable level, at least I think we should.

I don't care if it's done by planting trees and just driving electric, or if we do it by burning polar bears dipped in crude oil and wrapped in tires. whatever works, I'm all for it.
but as long as people argue about it being completely natural/man-made, we will never reach a solution.

Show me proof that CO2 affects temperature you fucking faggot. You can't even english.

>if that temperature happens to be 100°f/38°c
It's not moving. The variations are tenths of a degree. Post your proof libtard. ywnbarw

It doesn't. And the only >proof he can offer is hockey sticks where the >experts assumed Co2 causes warming.


What else could it possibly be? You don't get to just discount the leading explanation of climate change and not propose anything. The burden of proof is yours. Let's hear your genius answer that is supposedly better than global scientific consensus.

AGW is built on flat Earth. That's how god damn stupid it is and anyone that thinks destroying the planet is needed to save the planet needs to kill themselves.

>What else could it possibly be?
What is "it"?
Why is the burden of proof on me? I've been seeing the data for decades. Your cult is the one making false claims. Why can't AGW come up with a single piece of evidence?

Fetal alcohol syndrome is real

>scientific consensus
Srsly fucker? 1.6% is a global consensus?

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