HAHAHAHAH fuck republicans!

HAHAHAHAH fuck republicans!

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You’re like the people you hate.

People dying isn't funny you cringey little incel

Poor baby. KEK

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Typical Antifa liberals

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God is trying to tell Republicans He likes abortions.

Americans are fucking retarded holy shit
Are you all bots or do you genuinely believe politicians give a shit about you
Your favorite red or blue team doesn't care about you at all

It definitely would be in the case of some more high-profile figures but this Jackie Walorski seems pretty inconsequential.

Probably a drunk dem who hit them. Paul pelosi just got away with it

>People dying isn't funny you cringey little incel
>saying this on Any Forums
>on Any Forums of all places
Election tourists pls go

Fuck politicians

you are both newfags


All white people should be thrown into a giant bonfire.

Jesus take the wheel

Meant to say I should be thrown into a bonfire. Sry guys. I’m a raging homosexual btw.

is the antifa in the room with you now?
or are they transmitting instructions into your fillings?

This karma for what death to smoochy did to Edward Norton career.

Dead politicians are good no matter the politics
Sadly they just get replaced by more politicians

You and the pronoun army are welcome to try. Hope that blue hair is bulletproof.

It should be illegal to elect whites to anything.


How edgy you are!

Now...do the world a favor and neck yourself.

Nothing of value was lost.

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Don’t worry soicuck
2A lives
Your assault bill is dead

He came from california so of course that pussy would think that.

the retard is you friend- thinking that anyone with half a brain in America doesn't realize this. are you so fucking stupid that you actually believe that a country of 400 million all think the same because of opinions you see on the internet?

fucking douche.

>Are you all bots or do you genuinely believe politicians give a shit about you
Your favorite red or blue team doesn't care about you at all

Yes your point being ?

>Don’t worry soicuck
>2A lives
>Your assault bill is dead
dude, how many buzzwords are you gonna throw around? it's obvious English is not your first language, lol.
you are truly cringe.

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Yeah, I disagree with Reagan on that. Well that's about it.

It's funny people think he was conservative, he is the reason open carry is illegal in many states, and he single handily got the NFA act of 1986 thought the house and senate and signed it into law. It is the most restrictive piece of gun legislation passed in the history of the US. Republicucks will eventually take your guns.

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*fake republicans

They're supposed to be the party that is *for* individual rights. They were the driving force behind ending slavery, after all. American politics becomes warped with special interests and we honestly need a reset. Execute most, remove the money, start fresh.