Explain to me how rednecks are white trash for living in these and then explain to Mr how people who live in apartments...

Explain to me how rednecks are white trash for living in these and then explain to Mr how people who live in apartments aren't white trash.

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white trash isn't where you live, it's how you live

A single punch from a 14 year old can go through that "wall"

You can fall into your neighbors home in an apartment because landlords are cheap
Explain, please. Does the trailer have nothing to do with it? Because if the trailer itself is a symbol of white trash, I don't understand how sharing walls with people isn't. That's how drug addicts live.

Urban and rural life are both great. Best for whatever you want.
Suburban life is ass. It’s the worst of both worlds. Just far enough away you HAVE to use a car and can’t do shit, but close enough you’re not isolated and have that freedom of rural life and can’t be self sufficient.

The people who say this are butthurt poor fags or people who want to be politically correct because they know most people who live in apartments are low class niggers and spics

I have seen people buy a good trailer, add a nice front porch/patio and a deck on the back, then cover up the "under" parts with hedges and what now, and the shit looks amazing. If you do it right, there's nothing wrong with it. If you just put a meth lab level POS on the lot and instantly stop caring what it looks like, you're white trash.

you have the same freedom in the suburbs as you do in the bumfuck nowheres

Counter point living in the suburbs has the best of both worlds. I will say living in rural areas is the most ass unless you like having land over friends and stuff to do

Here's a radical take, just hear me out;

>I don't give a shit where anyone lives
>If you're happy with where you live then whatever
>Addicts and trash can live anywhere their means can provide, I have seen meth heads who own and maintain beautiful houses and I've seen perfect law abiding citizens with lots of money live in shitty apartments because it's dirt cheap and let's them save even more money

Tldr; where you live only makes a difference to yourself

Living in trailer parks are very trashy. Just go to one and you’ll see the poor, uneducated, and lots lf drug addicts. But you know that.

You can’t really have your own farm in your small single family housing plot of farm. At most you can grow some weed in your backyard but that’s about it.

>Does the trailer have nothing to do with it?

It doesn't have anything to do with it outside of it being generally poorer housing almost exclusively in rural areas. The association between white trash and trailer park used to be stronger, especially when trailers were the go-to place to put meth labs in the 90's, but as planning commissions began barring the development of trailer parks in a lot of places, and meth labs began moving either into suburban rental houses or south of the border, more white trash began to live in multifamily and town-home developments.

Really, it never had anything to do with it, it's just that certain types of housing attract certain types of people. Trailers were that way for a while, and now they're not so much.

Living in suburbs means not being in walking distance of a lot of stuff and not having access to public transit most of the time, meaning you have to spend most of your time sitting in your car.

Considering single wides are around $200,000 nowadays, idk

Insulting a repeat customer is not a smart move.

>You can’t really have your own farm in your small single family housing plot of farm.
what in the autism
anyone in the suburbs can grow whatever they want on their land, own ducks or whatever the fuck they want too. leave the basement retard

Almost all the suburbs here are in walking distance of a bus stop, why lie user?

That image is a "good" home. Not the best but with proper upkeep will last a long time.
If your comfortable with yourself, it doesn't matter where or in what you live. Its home.

a faggot jealous redneck clearly made this post

Manufactured housing or mobile homes do not appreciate, they only go down in value. You can have a mobile home on your own land and there is nothing wrong with it. Take a whole bunch of older ones that people will let you haul away for free and put them on your land and rent to scum and you will find your answer.

the ducks are free

"Drug Addicts" live in suburbia. JUNKIES live in squats.