Why is King Biden starting a war with China after catching China Cold 6 times in 2 days?

Why is King Biden starting a war with China after catching China Cold 6 times in 2 days?

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Why are you such a fucking LIAR?
Typical republicunt asshole.

lol everyone is making fun of what a lying sack of shit you are

Where is the lie retard?

cause he's a fucking chad whos got the balls to do real shit to china, instead of crying his makeup bitch face on twitter

>gets butthurt that nobody believes his lies, but fails to prove his claim (including the fact presidents don't start wars, congress does)
lol, your LIES fail again, MONGOLOID

Ahhh....2 times in 6 days user.

Right and which branch of the military do you serve?

kys yourself
not an argument
face diaper
is that your boyfriend

>implying Biden is making decisions
he doesn't even decide where or when he shits

>presidents don't start wars, congress does
>what is Vietnam
>what is Korea
>what is Iraq
lol, lmao

i proudly serve in the department of triggering libcuck soy boys like yourself. fucking snowflake. man up and be proud of the u.s. government not giving a fuck about what china thinks, you commie red faggot

you still haven't provided proof for your claims, retard, you have merely thrown a RED HERRING to distract from your lies

Why are you making assumptions?

Congress hasn't declared war in decades but you'd know that if you weren't a zoomer faggot

>Congress hasn't declared war in decades but you'd know that if you weren't a zoomer faggot
you proved my point, faggotron, and yet you're acting like you just pointed out something I did not, lol.

>i proudly serve in the department of triggering libcuck soy boys like yourself

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Well, firstly, they weren't my claims. There's more than just one user on this website. And secondly, I was mocking your claims, that only congress can send the military to war, because that hasn't been the case in almost three-quarters of a century. But feel free to stay retarded, bitch nigger.

>I was mocking your claims, that only congress can send the military to war, because that hasn't been the case in almost three-quarters of a century. But feel free to stay retarded, bitch nigger.
that was not my claim, retard. you have the reading comprehension of a 3-year-old. go back and carefully parse the sentence to realize it says something, but does not necessarily say what you believe it says.
and then, laugh at what a retard you are for missing this important point.

Real question is why does this thread get posted roughly 8 times a day. Penny posters?

op is a shut-in who desperately wants attention, so he posts political bait in hopes of getting people to interact with him.
good or bad attention doesn't matter to him, as long as someone recognizes he's alive, even if by calling him a lying sack of shit
because in real life, he's invisible

it's called attention farming and Any Forums is full of losers who create threads for this purpose alone
they are not all Any Forums threads, tho, but about 50% of threads are attention farming threads

>you proved my point
That you're a dumb faggot?

Nice samefagging you got going here

Now back to the subject at hand. Why is your King starting ww3 after getting China cold 9 times in 3 days?

Youre totally right Biden would never start a war with China. Hes too corrupt, his son is making multimillions off of them with the Biden's energy contracts and Biden just sold off our oil reserves to them.
You snowflakes need a little more intelligence when choosing your battles.