Useless hobby boomer language

what's a relatively dead and buried language that would make a good hobby project for learning? I'm talking things ilke FORTH and Fortran

Attached: forth.jpg (300x235, 21.24K)

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z80 assembly

I'm relatively dead and wanna be burried, I'm sorry user all I can give you is things like BASIC. maybe try COBOL to rake that bank money in.


fortran is far from dead. I use it for numerical shit, physicist use it for crazy stuff. It feels the niche "I want to do math fast but I hate sepples"

Attached: ocaml.png (225x225, 4.23K)


makes you the cool kid on the block during advent of code too

Attached: 1640408089563.png (1200x400, 1.83M)

OCaml and Haskell aren't fun anymore since some corpos use them.

Fortran ain't dead. I'd say most scientific HPC code is still written in Fortran rather than C++

gameboy assembly

Oberon is nice, there was whole operating system written in it.
you might as well try to implement your own, it seems like a funny challenge to do, especially if you try to implement some more advanced functionalities or make a compiler, not necessarily to native, maybe for one of the existing VMs
here is one example
firstly written in python then author decided to self-host it, it generates assembly that later is compiled via nasm or fasm

alternatively you could try red
it's based on old language called REBOL, beside being small and consistent, red has plenty of features like cross-platform gui, is homoiconic like lisp, is also compiled to native code and can cross-compile

i was tempted to mention porth. fair to mention that you can see the development of that language on youtube via tsoding


yup, that's also good thing, especially the video about adding fasm to porth and tsodings struggle with it :P
although since tsoding got more viewers his streams are not as entertaining, sadly rise in popularity brought more newbies constantly asking same basic question, trolls & snobs



COBOL is the ultimate boomer language and the media keeps repeating that if you get gud at it you can get tons of lucrative jobs in big banks and government because of all the billion+ lines of legacy shitcode written in the 60's and 70's still in use

forth is based.The only language with consistent syintax next to lisp.

