I will NOT hesitate to call the police If someone with marijuana tries to speak to me. I dont care If you are poor...

I will NOT hesitate to call the police If someone with marijuana tries to speak to me. I dont care If you are poor, and need money. I don't care If you're religious. I don't care If you have children. WEED IS An AWFUL DRUG. I'm keeping myself away from you hippies, and that's just my opinion. To me, smoking weed Is one of the lowest signs of attention seeking.. that, and selling it. What makes someone want to mutilate their body to get high is beyond me. People need to love themselves sober. Pot Is not medicine It's just a sorry excuse to be a drug addict. If you smoke weed daily you have a disease and need help asap, go to rehab. I would never hang with someone who would do refer. Definitely Insecure, and useless. Not only that, but good luck getting a real job stoners. Said what I said.

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Tits or gtfo

Elon hits blunt. Me to elon. "You never be successful now man"

>Thinking Elon Musk is successful
Top kek

>Think a billionaire isn't successful
Sad for you bro. Does his politics bother you or something?

He's not a billionaire and all of his projects are failures or stolen

He is literally a billionaire lol and I'm pretty sure Tesla is doing fine. I don't own one but I've heard they are pretty neat

You don't know what you're talking about.
I was prescribe Marijuana for my PTSD by a psychiatrist because I still see the faces of the men in my company that were killed either by enemy fire or IEDs.

My cousin is an Epileptic, and ever since she was prescribed Marijuana by her physician, the tremors, shaking and fainting have practically stopped. When she feels a seizure coming on, she takes a hit, and everything disappears.

Do some research on Dr. Sanjay Gupta, a medical professional who has hosted at least FOUR specials on CNN discussing why Marijuana needs to be legalized, if only for medicinal purposes.

Nobody's forcing you to smoke pot if you don't want to, but don't go judging other people because they do.


I figured somebody with a Tesla dilator and Elon Musk wallpaper would know about tesla, who woulda thought?

Nobody cares

Your fortune: Excellent Luck

Show us on the doll where Mr. Musk touched you.

PTSD is for faggots to be honest. You should kys user. Only loser bitches live in fear like a retard dog. Everything else you said was ok. Pussy

holy shit look at this wall of text with PTSD highlighted in the first few sentences what a bunch of dogshit

>Men in my company
>Dr Sanjay Streetshit
>CNN accredited doctor

Something tells me you didn't go to college lol, weed is a drug and it's disgusting. If I saw your sister taking a hit I'd call the cops. I always write my officials and let them know the facts, I always vote no for weed and do everything I can to stop people like you taking drugs when you could just go to church instead

You like trannys don't you user?

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this but unironically, legalizing weed is the greatest mistake in american history and will probably destroy this country.


Touch my peepee

> Outlawing weed was the greatest mistake in American history and has destroyed this country.

Legalizing niggers was worse and it already destroyed america.

I can disagree with uneducated retards killing each other and thinking they're superior because they get paid less than someone who works at McDonald's and had to watch their friends die kek. How'd that whole war on terror go? Were you stationed in Afghanistan? Your friends died for nothing and that's why I disagree with you obliterating civilians in a 3rd world country and calling it service lmfaooooooo and you say I'm a victim of propaganda

Shutup nigger.

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Literally who?

t Mac boy

What war did you fight in?
Where were you stationed?
LARPing is an insult to those that fought for this country, and even more of an insult to those who gave their lives. Sorry daddy ran out of KY Jelly, but since you're such a man, he won't need any lube when he fucks you up the ass tonight!

I'll ask you the same thing, faggot, what war did you fight in, and where were you stationed.
Don't talk shit unless you've been there!

(You) #
Now this one was actually funny!
Me and my cousin both live in states where Marijuana is LEGAL for both medicinal and recreational purposes. If you were to call the cops on either myself or my cousin, the cops might end up arresting YOU for making trouble. You can't have somebody arrested for something that is LEGAL, and where we both live, Marijuana IS!

And what "Facts" have you got, exactly? Probably let over propaganda and LIES from The Reagan Administration which has been debunked by scientists, and medical professionals.

Like I said, you're response was the funniest. Your idiocy, and stupidity was amusing enough to actually make me laugh.
Here's the comment the PTSDfag deleted

itt: marijuana addicts

> those that fought for this country
You mean the terrorists that ruined other countries for no reason?

Fuck the both of you!
You don't know what the fuck I go through every fucking day!
Did you see your brother in arms step on an EID? Did you watch them die? Did you stand next to a buddy while they were showing yu pictures of his girlfriend and then suddenly drop to the floor and bleed to death because he was taken down by an enemy sniper's bullet?
Neither of you would last five seconds on the front lines. What wars did either of you fight?
Where were you stationed?
Don't talk the talk unless you've walked the walk, civilians!

Your response was actually funny because you are such a stupid idiot.
You're going to call the cops on my cousin (NOT my sister) smoking pot? Guess what, dipshit? Both my cousin and me live in states where pot is LEGAL for both medicinal and recreational purposes, and there isn't a damn thing you can do about it. In fact you'd get arrested yourself for hassling the cops. Police in the states where we live aren't gonna raise one finger for a pot smoker because it's LEGAL where we are.

Oh, and what "Facts" do you have? Probably left over bullshit anti-drug propaganda from The Reagan Administration which has been debunked by respectable individuals in the science and medical community. Oh, and the Law Enforcement Community has totally admitted that D.A.R.E. was not only a failure, but a waste of taxpayer money!