Would you be on your death bed posting on Any Forums

Would you be on your death bed posting on Any Forums

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Le epic Any Forumstard
>87 yo
>still a kissless virgin
>still hating whatever minority for being a virgin.

Yes. I am clinically obese and post on here every day. I will likely not live to see 40 or 50 so I expect I will post here the day I die.

yes, what else would I do

How old are you right now

26 currently. I can feel my heart fluttering some days and I think a heart attack will be my cause of death.

most likely

Are you on any meds

That's so dark kek.

Why not start like a carnivore diet to lose some weight

Yes I am on an SSRI
It's the truth
I can't go without sugar unfortunately.

Damn. Took me like a year to get off fizzy drinks. Except when I drink alcohol.

And how did you do it? I already kicked my alcohol habit a few years ago, but still drink soft drinks too much.

Lose the weight. If Boogie can lose 200 pounds, you can do it too

He is still fat af though and he had gastric bypass surgery which I can't afford

I hope my last post would say “fuck niggers”

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Just stopped buying them with groceries. Or buying a shitty one just to mix it with liquor

Niggas on your mind like that

No, I will be ecstatically looking forward to the paradise that all NDErs talk about, and after reading this book im not an atheist anymore


what impressed me is that NDErs are representative of the population, so everyone agrees that the afterlife is real after their NDE, even neuroscientists

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Do you have a pdf copy of that shit I am a nigger and I am not buying it

>his dying thought is about BBC
Truly, one of us