/sdg/ - Stable Diffusion General

>Starter guides:
rentry.org/GUItard - New main guide
rentry.org/tqizb - AMD guide


>Colab with new model

>Prompt helper:

>SAAS sites:
beta.dreamstudio.ai - Free, New accounts get 200 generations
pornpen.ai - NSFW Allowed, Free
dezgo.com - Contains Ads, Free

/h/ /sdhb/: /vg/ /aids/: /mlp/ /ppp/: Official discord: discord.gg/stablediffusion
NSFW Discord: discord.gg/Crkrd76ueK
Emad's Twitter: twitter.com/EMostaque

>Recent News:
Emad announces plans for custom model training: twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1561780596107612161
Emad announces future anime oriented weights: twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1562192103823708162
Emad announces animation Soon: twitter.com/EMostaque/status/1561778925906395140

Attached: Emma.jpg (1024x1024, 531.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm following the guide on setting it up but I already had anaconda installed and the miniconda exe gave me a ransomware warning on virustotal so I just changed the file paths in the .cmd to the already installed conda.
However when I run it it fails to establish a connection to the repo. Any ideas?
Making a firewall exception for conda didn't change anything.

Link to the post explaining it.
If the weight adjusting method is better then surely it can be adapted into the better syntax.

There is already one open and it hasn't hit the image limit what are you doong

Previous thread

Any updates on some sort of training@home variant?

I don't think the syntax is better. You're free to search for the post, I won't do it for you. If you want, you can look at the code, it's available.

Link your code then.

Who is funding stability.ai?

Emad mostly

It's literally in the previous thread. How lazy can you get? pastebin.com/raw/2qukyqNR

>It is very easy to conubt by glance how many ((((( you have.
Hard disagree, especially if say we need to be between 1 and 10 for a complicated prompt.
Also you have to be careful to match on the other side.
Versus : 8, 1.7, 4
But I appreciate your work nonetheless user, ty

Post the link bro, I can't access pastebin.

I'm also interested on roughly speaking, how did you implement it better. Is there multiple ways to implement this feature (besides syntax thing)?

>promplets arguing about weights when they could be finding vectors

Attached: grid-00000-879970545_princess_zelda_artstation,_with_massive_boobs_in_a_slutty_dress_with_deep_cleavage,_thinspiration,_busty_top_heavy_princess_zeld.jpg (384x640, 154.59K)

I strongly dislike the : syntax, and incidentally, since this has to work with the result of CLIP embedder rather than plain text, it will be substantially more difficult to implement. I probably could do it if I wanted, the dud who maintains the repo ou're all using, likely not.

Just in case someone is baited to respond, do not post the link, it's an autoban.

This place churns through 10 threads per day and I don't spend every waking moment of my time reading posts. I just weighed (heh) in the discussion about syntax. I'll check out the code.

From the code:
# grabs all text up to the first occurrence of ':' as sub-prompt
# takes the value following ':' as weight
# if ':' has no value defined, defaults to 1.0
# repeats until no text remaining

Meaning it doesn't apply the weight to just what's immediately before the :n, but everything before it to the previous :, so it looks like the proper way to use it would be putting them on both sides of the term you want to adjust like
>blah blah pink dress :big boobs:999 high heels, blah, blah, :blond hair:3 by greggy and the other guy

I just checked his linkedin, what a fucking madman.

>Just in case someone is baited to respond, do not post the link, it's an autoban

You're no fun

the guy is a hero, give him a break

Ok so that works but it's simply unintuitive for normies.

The :::: implementation takes each text separated by :, parses them, completely independently of each other, and blends results using user-provided weights (normalizing so that their sum is 1 unless you specify otherwise). My implementation parses one text just as original model, goes through results of the transformers layer, and multiplies values at positions corresponding to weighed terms according to weights; then I multiply the whole tensor by a value that restores original mean.

oh yeah by all means prioritize a working thing over small details that could be hard to implement. I like your experiments.
yup that's the way it works on MJ too, which mean copy-pasting prompts from the gallery would work too but I have a feeling nobody here cares about that.

What fuck do I do

Attached: file.png (904x435, 43.39K)

>Meaning it doesn't apply the weight to just what's immediately before the :n, but everything before it to the previous :, so it looks like the proper way to use it would be putting them on both sides of the term you want to adjust like
>>blah blah pink dress :big boobs:999 high heels, blah, blah, :blond hair:3 by greggy and the other guy
And I know you are writing this without ever testing it yourself, because this leads to terrible results. Go ahead and try it at least once.

if you missed it

is it just me or are snakes kinda hard to generate properly?

ohhhh, interesting.
It's really 2 different tools.
The :: stuff can be great too in some cases tho (on MJ).

holy damn you are a real wizard harry

>steals gookmoot's yacht money

Give up

thanks man im dumb as hell and dont read shit

Attached: 00000-2571144413.png (512x512, 354.73K)


This does sound interesting. Would it be possible to implement both features (user selectable)? Or do you hate the fork too much? What made you two fall out anyway, I mean if it wasn't for him your fork would've stayed obscure. Hell I shilled it here, trying to get people to fork it. Now there's 40+ forks, with one popular one.
Why don't you just bury the hatchet and work together?

stop spamming sudo. you have wrecked your permissions. only use it after shit won't work without it

I have not once used sudo as this user. Hell, I even deleted the user, and then recreated it fresh, and still I get this error.

Attached: 559007220_Biblically_accurate_angel__Art_by_Beksinski_and_HR_Giger_.png (512x704, 689.87K)

dumb snake

Attached: 1660800444754.jpg (2048x2560, 2.34M)

Has experiment user tried looking at the effect of (potentially placebo) shit like intricate, rtx, detailed etc yet?

Attached: batch_size: 1 cfg_scale: 7.5 ddim_eta: 0 ddim_steps: 64 height: 512 n_iter: 9 prompt: gigastacy, attractive, sexy, dark, gloomy, desaturated, award-winning, by Greg Rutkowski sampler_name: k_euler_a seed: 2009318801 target: txt2img toggles: - 1 - 2 - 3 .png (1536x2048, 2.67M)

The #1 reason I can't accept :, is that : is a separator. It separates texts. And if the weight is one the other side of separatopr, it looks dumb and is unintuitive. "A :red 2.0: flag" would probably be a lot more acceptable than "A :red :2.0 flag", though I still like parens more.

It's not stealing if I don't get them. Hooliganism maybe?

I won't think we fell out, we never even talked. He made one pull request to me telling me to change saved pictures to jpeg, to which I said I won't do it by default for all users but this is already possible for those who want it via command line option, after that we didn't communicate.

Further proof

Attached: file.png (877x548, 58.43K)

Oh, and to answer the question, both can work at the same time. If mine in added to a codebase that supports :, I'm pretty sure no additional work is needed to make them compatible.

>He made one pull request to me telling me to change saved pictures to jpeg, to which I said I won't do it by default for all users but this is already possible for those who want it via command line option, after that we didn't communicate.

I mean, there's now a button (which is off by default) to save images as jpeg.
Try and get in touch again once he wakes up, because working together will give everyone the best results, as opposed to the absolute trite that are the scattered reddit projects. This is the best UI out there, next to the commercial dreamscape one.

The only vector you need is Greg Rutkowski, trending be his name.

the file permissions are broken, not the user...