C'mon China, do us a solid

I'd appreciate it if our esteemed Chinese colleagues could do us a solid and escort the aged senator into Valhalla. What's Biden going to do... he won't remember her tomorrow.

Attached: Untitled.png (609x514, 324.87K)

must be the weather

>rooting for a foreign country to take out a politician you dislike
Let me guess, you believe you're a patriot as well?

You just can't get any decent dimsum in DC.

Don't you mean West Taiwan?

MAGAttes aren't the only people to dislike that woman.

Attached: pelosi.webm (740x416, 1.97M)

It wasn't a problem when Adolf Hitler was removed, or Saddam Hussein, or numerous others.
Why should this case be different?

fucking idiot

I think Biden is dead. If Pelosi dies it'll just be Kamila and that will mean Armageddon is coming. They must live or peace on earth will die with them.

Attached: IMG_0077-01.jpg (1306x980, 37.91K)

Why is everyone on this site such an autist? Nothing will happen. You guys do this everytime. I get it's become a meme (it's happening) but for every 1 meme thread there's 4 autists who actually think WW3 is going to happen because sabre rattling and dick measuring on the world stage just started with Pelosi landing in Taiwan.

The only idiots who could possibly care about this were dumb enough to enlist.

Attached: 4chan butthurt support.jpg (500x480, 30.86K)

why would nancy go to valhalla?

>>rooting for a foreign country to take out a politician you dislike
>Let me guess, you believe you're a patriot as well?

Negative ghost rider. I'm a SoCal native and she's my senator. I am for term limits though and, at risk of being accused of age discrimination, I think it's time we handed the reins to people that grew up watching color television, went to desegregated schools, and don't have their secretaries print out their emails for them.

The Chinese have a solid for you. They're planning on shoving it up America's ass, with help from you, traitor.

Attached: 1501569507212.jpg (800x600, 84.72K)

>I'm a SoCal native and she's my senator.

>why would nancy go to valhalla?
Dying in battle against the *evil* communists, of course.

Why does it effect Chinese sovereignty? I thought it is china?

Why does Armageddon happen if Kamila gets power of the President ?

That poster is North Korean, not Chinese.

She's not a Senator. Her House district is San Fransisco, which is not in SoCal.


>That poster is North Korean, not Chinese.

Americans don't learn the difference between uppy-downy squiggles and stick figures, so the distinction is lost on us.

>Dying in battle
that old bitch doesn't know shit about battle

you're retarded

Nothing is going to happen
How do I know?
I live in near one of the major USAF bases & haven't heard many F22's or C17's in weeks

Valhalla is reserved for those who died a glorious death, not some old dried up cunt who's only fight has been with ugliness