Discuss. Is 17 pedo?

Discuss. Is 17 pedo?

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Americans are retarded, there is nothing to discuss. The vast majority of Europe is 14-16 so it hasn't been a debate here in decades.



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im pretty sure the vast majority of child molestation happens against family members or by close friends or associates
“hooking up with slutty jailbait” is mostly a fantasy of incels and child molesters

Not at all, nit by definition and in many states they're legal. I was banging my now wife when she was 16. I fucked a girl who just turned 14 when I was 19 and didn't know for two years. She said she was 16, freaky, gorgeous half Latina. We were hooking up again when she moved back to town two years later and I found out her real age. I was careless, wouldn't risk it again but if I knew 100% I'd get away with it, I'd go back and fuck her two weeks after she turned 14 over and over. It was great.

Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent boys or girls, not someone who's gone through puberty.

not even close

>Did you know I’m american?

Maybe it's not full blown pedophilia but it is on the pedophilia spectrum. Like you can't convince me that fucking a 17 year old isn't creepy.

As long as cuties remains ns on Netflix, I'm not convinced people care about the pedo problem.

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Past the age of 20 you figure out real quick that 17 is still really immature, they act like borderline retards.
Sure you can look, but you'd have to be equally retarded to want any part of that.

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No it's not you retard. That's like saying fucking an 18 year old is pedophilia .


And then you hit 30 and anyone who isn't 25 and above looks like a retard...

pedophilia isn't determine by how creepy you think it is retard

>Like you can't convince me that fucking a 17 year old isn't creepy
Well you're stupid. 17 year old girls are total whores and will fuck whether you comprehend it or not.

If you're a sane and rational person, yes.
Again, there's nothing wrong with looking, because they're attractive. Until they open their mouth and you figure out they're definitely still kids

I dated a 13yo for about a year, then we were both 14.

I mean, look. We figured out a long time ago that homosexuality is on a spectrum. So why wouldn't it be the same way with pedophilia? Sure you're not a literal kid fucker for dating 17-18 year olds but you're at least dipping your toes in the water.

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Kys tranny pedo

OP info pic is true, except in cases of incest.
When it's kept within the family is when you get 30yo brothers fucking their 60yo sisters, 50yo fucking 11yo nieces, or the most statistically common mothers molesting their prepubescent sons.