/cumg/ - Coom Utilities & More General

>What is /cumg/
In this thread we discuss and create technology and software for cooming, data-hoarding, scripts, and more.

>gallery-dl - scrape images, manga, videos and more from many websites

>Hydrus Network


>LoliSnatcher Droid


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Hey /cumg/ thanks for breaking webms and captchas you faggots

/cumg/ is back. I'm finally at inner peace.

You know what's coming

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Reminder that if you want to discuss cooming tech we are at pic related

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Welcome back /cumg/ and FUCK jannies

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I'm home.

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janny btfo LMAO

malware, just use browser with disabled js jit

you probably already know about this one i guess
this one works well for instagram, but you have to login to download more than the first few pages
this is a good media player classic program for looping sections of a video without having to chop the video up and render it out using premiere or wmm or something. You can save the looping sections you setup to a file too

this is good for viewing twitter media
after loading a profile if you scroll down to Phototographs and Videos there's a See All link. You can right click the images and open in a new tab to save having to go to twitter, they should be the full size images. The videos don't work like that though i'm pretty sure

Is it still being throttled by YouTube? Or should I continue to use yt-dlp.

Stop trying to make people feel bad

Men like cute things too
Men want to be cute as well

Its not that hard

works ok for me but i've only used it a couple of times for smaller videos, like < 10min

Did anyone fix the JAV script?
A script to watch JAVs by inserting it's code.

Attached: img-2022-08-27-12-02-09.png (1080x1311, 2.2M)

Either way, yt-dlp has more features, works better, tend to be faster on handling new issues, and syncs up with youtube-dl changes

youtube-dl did "fix" the throttling issues but never made a release with the fix

>having any coomer tools and other shit
Lmao even. Sane people have at most 2gb porn and that’s the extreme case. They usually use pornhub or whatever.

not counting videos, I have 988GB in images alone

..maybe I should start converting this stuff to jpegxl or something

>Sane people have at most 2gb porn
You would be surprised

jannies BTFO

Attached: 85.jpg (1000x1414, 1.38M)

How the fuck you downloaded almost 1tb of jpegs? Anime or 3d?
I’d delete them all to preserve my sanity, 1tb indicates there’s something wrong with you.

Anyways, if you have gifs or mp4s, converts them to webm. Saves a lot of space especially for gif.

Why would you download porn unless it’s pirated? It’s all on the porn sites and it’s unlikely to be deleted. If it’s deleted, it’s not a great loss.