
>finally make it to windows 11 and the year of our lord 2022 without going out of business
>still using this goddamn piece of shit
literally how is the registry still around?

Attached: file.png (1200x385, 492.16K)

If you are a developer you will know that the registry is a highly useful place for storing settings. It is faster and easier to use than storing huge text files with your configuration data inside.
Imagine still being a luddite in 2022 and using some ancient POONIX based text files which you have to parse. You do know that text parsing introduces huge amounts of bugs and errors right?
Face it: The Windows NT design (1990s) is a newer and more modern system design than Linux (1969) by almost 20 years. It is more efficient to store data in binary rather than in some random nonstandard text format. It is more user-friendly to provide a GUI interface to edit configuration options rather than to tell the user to edit some random-ass file with weird janky syntax.

Attached: nanami (4).jpg (1600x1000, 134.52K)

Because individual INI files (the Eunuchs model) becomes a nightmare for things like policy and roaming. Multiple process/thread access is also a huge problem. Further, a binary database is also many times faster.
These things - and many more - have been explained to you freetards hundreds of times, and you never listen because you're stupid.

0/1 divide by zero tier bait

>and you never listen because you're stupid



wait wtf you guys actually make non-browser programs?

Good morning gentleman

>literally how is the registry still around?
It's the brain of Windows, idiot.

oh, so that's why windows is so retarded

Kek just use something like haskells binary class. This exists in every language, those libraries do the work of registry and without being stuck in the oses critical cogs. Literally just look at games, they store their data in binary just like registry. All of this bullshit can be solved by using abstraction. Not too hard.

How come I forgot to sage

you've convinced me

Attached: huff.jpg (600x656, 71.08K)

>hurr durr just import libraries for the same fucking thing into every single program instead of making an OS API that just fucking werks
no thanks
lintroons chop off critical functions of an operating system just like they chop off their dicks and then just say "DURR HURR just reimplement everything we should've done in your own software"

As to what, Mac? Custom hardware tailored to custom software. It's not meant for mainstream use.
Linux? Kek, give me a break.

this. it also provides an easy to use separation for user and machine level config while Troonix is still trying to figure out if it's ~/.myapp or ~/.config/myapp or ~/.local/etc/myapp

>give me a break
absolutely not.

go back to porting notepad with unix like line endings vxiiduu#4598

It's so kind of you to have memorized my discord username

Attached: linux dead.png (620x662, 320.11K)

You can have standards without them being OS level. See dconf. Forcing this at the OS level would lock everyone into a possibly sub-par technology for eternity. And there's this thing called dependency sharing on Linux, not that a Wintoddler would understand.