What's your favorite data structure?

what's your favorite data structure?
for me it's the linked list

Attached: 1661459107006068.webm (472x848, 1.19M)

HashTable. Extremely useful.


graphs because they filter retards

For me, it's the array

segment tree


either skip-lists or red-black trees

Shit like this is why I can't eat beef any longer.

Any programmer would answer this. The rest of you have never programmed professionally

The question asked for your "favorite." Not the most useful or common. Go be a retard somewhere else.

the virgin linked list vs the chad skip list


Attached: file.png (680x760, 208.18K)

Pointer of pointer void

finger tree

When does stuff like that get relevant? Doesn't your programming language handle arrays and stuff?
t. brainlet who can barely shell script


>Doesn't your programming language handle arrays and stuff?
Arrays and linked lists have different tradeoffs, and you as the programmer need to choose which one is better for any particular situation where it matters. Your programming language probably makes one of them easier to use than the other by using it as its default list implementation, but sometimes you'll need to manually reach for the other one.

only correct answer

I like to use the Interval List
Here's an example
var output = null

function store(index, value) {
setInterval(()=>{output={'index': index, 'value': value}}, Math.random()*100)

function get(index, callback) {
var interval = setInterval(()=>{
if (output && output.index == index) {


get(2, (val)=> {