President Obama took out Usama bin Laden

President Obama took out Usama bin Laden

President Biden took out Ayman al-Zawahiri

Trump? Said Covid would disappear “like magic.” Lost any chance of a second term, but started the big lie and will face punishment for trying to overthrow the US government.

Go ahead and seethe. These two guys (pictured to the left) get important things done!

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>President Obama took out Usama bin Laden

>President Biden took out Ayman al-Zawahiri

Now do Trump

I dont think we should be rating presidents on which middle eastern guy the media decided to tell us the US military killled.
Operations continued under trump as well, i assure you autonomously with little if any participating on his part aside from a signature or two.

This is weak bait.

>who is Ayman al-Zawahiri
>On July 31, 2022, Al-Zawahri was killed in Kabul by a U.S. drone strike.[11]
what the fucking fuck Any Forumsros weren't we supposed to be fucking done afghanistan, even when we abandon the country the war sill never ends, fuck me

Biden handed over Afghanistan to the Taliban like the little bitch he is. Then Mr. I won't blame other people blamed Trump.

They didn't do shit but sit around watching while the CIA got things done

>weren't we supposed to be fucking done afghanistan

Biden turned it into a Taliban state. It never ends. It's the way he wants it

You have to give some credit where it's due.

The Al Qaeda leader was taken out by a drone in the middle of Kabul - the mother fucking capital of Afghanistan. It wasn't some quiet little strike on a training camp in the middle of nowhere.

Biden showed that he has the balls to take necessary risks. Trump never made a tough call. Not once.

you faggots have the memory of gold fish

"The Trump administration in February 2020 negotiated a withdrawal agreement with the Taliban that excluded the Afghan government, freed 5,000 imprisoned Taliban soldiers and set a date certain of May 1, 2021, for the final withdrawal.

And the Trump administration kept to the pact, reducing U.S. troop levels from about 13,000 to 2,500, even though the Taliban continued to attack Afghan government forces and welcomed al-Qaeda terrorists into the Taliban leadership.
Biden delayed the May 1 withdrawal date that he inherited. But ultimately his administration pushed ahead with a plan to withdraw by Aug. 31, despite obvious signs that the Taliban wasn’t complying with the agreement and had a stated goal to create an “Islamic government” in Afghanistan after the U.S. left, even if it meant it had to “continue our war to achieve our goal.”

Biden assured Americans last month that a Taliban takeover of Afghanistan was “not inevitable,” and denied that U.S. intelligence assessed that the Afghan government would likely collapse. But it did — and quickly.

Here we lay out many of the key diplomatic decisions, military actions, presidential pronouncements and expert assessments of the withdrawal agreement that ended the U.S. military’s 20-year war in Afghanistan — a war that has “taken the lives of nearly 2,500 U.S. servicemen and servicewomen, cost a trillion dollars, and occupied the attention of four presidential administrations,”

Feb. 29, 2020 — U.S. and Taliban sign an agreement that sets the terms for a U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan by May 1, 2021, but do not release two classified annexes that set the conditions for U.S. withdrawal. At the time of the agreement, the U.S. had about 13,000 troops in Afghanistan, according to a Department of Defense inspector general report.

>President Obama took out Usama bin Laden
>President Biden took out Ayman al-Zawahiri
No shit for brains. The US military did that. Those two clowns drove a desk.

I wasn't aware Obongo was a SEAL.

The Taliban can have that shit hole. We will still bomb them when we feel like it - as Biden showed them today.

>mother fucking capital of Afghanistan
holy shit you're right, how many goddammed civies did we kill this time and why won't this fucking war ever just end

>President Obama took out Usama bin Laden
>President Biden took out Ayman al-Zawahiri
took out Qasem Soleimani
Yes, members of both wings of the Uniparty kill goatfuckers. And?


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Taliban probably sold ayman out for some kind of aid deal or something. Taliban and Al Qaeda are not getting along lately.

>Trump never made a tough call. Not once.
ehhh the whole showing the secret Iran base on Twitter... and Drone striking one of its top generals almost jumping off another war

He was the mother fucking commander-in-chief. Seals couldn't do shit unless he said they could.

Taliban probably sold Ayman al-Zawahiri out for some kind of financial aid deal or something

What's your point? Biden botched it when he broke the treaty by moving the deadline to Sep 11 to make it symbolic. The Taliban immediately retaliated because of that.

You faggot ass Republicans don't give a shit about civilian casualties. There is no problem on Earth you can't solve by killing brown people and lowering taxes for billionaires.

>Fuck up Afghanistan withdrawal
>Leave Afghanistan without destroying billions of dollars in equipment.
>The Taliban is better equipped now than in any other time in history.
>Kill some goat fucker.
>We did it guys! We save the US.
Bunch of fucking clowns hahahahahahahahaha

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Obummer was a puppet that did what he was told. The Joint Chiefs of Staff make those decisions.