Did i get std?

i went raw in a escort a month ago now every time i pee tip of my dicks burns. anyone knows what is this?

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>Being this retarded

Can be
Yeast infection
E.coli infection
from the top of my head, better get it checked

thanks for your attention

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Bceм cocaть! Mya, бaбoк дoхyя
Cлышь, тyт нeдaвнo c пapикoм выкpикивaю я (хa)
"Я eбaл в poт нa! (A?) Taкoe пaлeвo
Пoвёлcя нa хyйню, гдe бaблa нaвaлoм, бля
Зaшёл c чижикaми (живoтнoe нa) мecтнoгo paзливa (кpacивo)
B aвтoмaт зaмaзaтьcя, хaпнyть пoзитивa (aгa)
Cтaвлю я coтыгy (тaк), c хoдy, бaмc! Двyшeчкa
Tyт мeня и oceнилo: ништяк, шкaтyлoчкa
Aппapaтик выкyпил, pyчки пoтиpaю
Зaкypивaю cижкy я (и?) и yмнoжaю (oпa!)
И дeлo кaк пoпёpлo, мeня нaкpылo в пoт (пpёт)
Хyяк! Хyяк! Eбaть! Джeкпoт!"
Джeкпoт, джeкпoт! Хyй тeбe в poт!
Пoцeлyй мoю зaлyпy, зaлyпy-лyпy!
Джeкпoт, джeкпoт! Хyй тeбe в poт!
Пoцeлyй мoю зaлyпy, зaлyпy-лyпy!

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>Zalupa is hurting
Oh no!

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so if i appy antibiotic gel on tip of my dick will it get healed?

syphilis brah.

pray you only got yeast infection (aka UTI) from said escort. if the pain progresses and you start seeing puss come out, then you most likely got gonorrhea from her. go see a urologist now.

I'm sorry, OP. You have the gay

is that her pic?

He looks like the russian marylin manson

She let you go in raw? How?

show a new test result that you are clean %30 agrees %50 wants more money %20 refuses. i always go for it because i dont like fucking plastic bag

i understand you're trying to skip the doctors appointment but it's really unrecommended.

But to answer your question: no, applying some random antibiotic, even the right one, on the tip of your dick wouldn't cure it. IF it really is chlamydia, it's not restricted to the tip of your dick but in your system. In any case, it can also be something else, chlamydia is just a pretty likely case.

If left untreated, it can possibly lead to sterility, so really, ask yourself if that's among the worth risks of not seeing the doctor.

Of course, it it's not chlamydia, the long term effects could be something else entirely, worse or better

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you just dont wear a condom

you'd think its not common but lots of low price hookers will go raw especially if either they trust you, or you're a regular, or you are young and they think you're a virgin or close to it.
well ok its not COMMON but its not entirely not a thing either.

t. used to drive for an escort when i was in college (thats as interesting as it gets, no coomer thing here for better or worse)

Unless you get a typical antibiotic from a doctor, you're fucked Any Forumsro. Antibiotics are legitimately $4 for a prescription, so just see the cheapest doctor you can find and spend a week taking some pill. The infection is much deeper than just the tip, so you ain't getting it with ointment.

Either go to doctor, or pee fire until you go sterile, and then keep peeing fire. Those are your two choices.

op if you really dont want to go to the doctor, do an online/phone/cam thing like doctorsays or mdlive or um.. teledoc.
they wont fuck around, wont tell anyone, and will prescribe cheap antibiotics. be honest with them tho and dont be a retard

wait, yeast also develops into mucus excretions right

big sign of aids, its fucking over dude

if you hadnt already you could also try and drink a lot of waterr in a day and see if the burning goes away. You may have a UTI and dehydration piss will really exaggerate that.