Why are liberals so obsessed with trump despite him not even being president anymore?

Why are liberals so obsessed with trump despite him not even being president anymore?

Are they really that scared of his landslide victory in 2024?

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>Are they really that scared of his landslide victory in 2024?


It's not even bait at this point. Enjoy the free bump Any Forums fag.

Why are liberals still obsessed with Hitler? It's not like he's in office anymore.

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>the left cant meme
top kek

Okay, so why does the (lol) "Right" (/lol) keep bringing up Hillary? She lost over six years ago, and she's still a common kneejerk response when a Tromptourist is startled. The "left" has forgotten all about her years ago.

what in gods name is that

>Why are liberals so obsessed with trump?
Because they're a bunch of brain dead morons. They're so far gone that if you were against vaccine mandates, you were a Trump supporter; If you don't support Ukraine, you're a Trump supporter... I don't even see this people as human anymore.

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Hating trump is the entire democratic platform. If people forgot him, they'd start to realize the democrats are no different from the republicans they hate so much.

You don't think there's strong correlation between Trump supporters, not supporting Ukraine and being against vaccine mandates?

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>You don't think there's strong correlation.
No. Because I hold those views and I'm not even American, which means, i couldn't even vote in your Venezuelan tier elections. So why are you people so obsessed with turning everything political? You label the right as violent bigots, but must of the hate that have been directed at me throughout social media has been from lefty cunts. Now i fucking hate liberal faggots like you wouldn't believe.

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I'm not American either but there's still plenty of Trump supporters where I live, even though they can't vote for him.

I'm not sure I'd even call it political, it's more like they're deeply in love with him.

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Trump say he was cheated out of a victory he won.
Why any Ameritard thinks the next selection would be different is anyones guess.
As for the very abnormal degree of hostile attention given long after leaving office im not sure. There is literally zero natural reason for that degree of obsession.
It may just exist to demoralize anyone that genuinely wanted a fair election in their nation. That the slogan "Make America Great Again" would be used as ridicule certainly implies malevolence to the nation as a whole.

>I'm not sure I'd even call it political.
Yet the liberals sure are quick to put a political label on you and group you with a political figure (as Trump in this case) if you hold a different view than theirs. I'm glad i don't live in the US, since I'm getting a sinking ship vibe from them.

So you got bullied by meanies online so now you're gagging on right wing cock to spite them? You people are painfully retarded please an hero

Well anti-vax and aid for Ukraine are issues that are very hard to separate from politics. And in "the west" anti-vaxxer politicians are generally right wing populists, so I think it's understandable that people make that connection.

This is your average liberal cunt response. Just assumptions after assumptions, thanks for proving my point.

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If you pulled right wing rhetoric cock out of your ass for a second you'd remember what you just posted about lefties being mean to you on the internet and you hate em for it. You must be a super incel cunt too then, THATS an assumption. The fact that you're so soft that social media hurts your feelings is just telling from how you act which is pathetic and laughable by the way