Good backups edition. Also Plex fucked their users again and they like it edition

Good backups edition. Also Plex fucked their users again and they like it edition.

READ THE WIKI! & help by contributing:

>NAS Case Guide. Feel free to add to it:

/hsg/ is about learning and expanding your horizons. Know all about NAS? Learn virtualization. Spun up some VMs? Learn about networking by standing up a OPNsense/pfsense box and configuring some VLANs. There's always more to learn and chances to grow. Think you’re god-tier already? Setup OpenStack and report back.

>What software should I run?
Install Gentoo. Or whatever flavor of *nix is best for the job or most comfy for you. Jellyfin to replace Netflix, nextcloud to replace Googlel, ampache to replace spotify, the list goes on and on. Look at the awesome self-hosted list and ask.

>Why should I have a home server?
Learn something new. De-botnet your life. Serving applications to yourself, your family, and your frens feels good. Put your Any Forums skills to good use for yourself and those close to you. Store their data with proper availability redundancy and backups and serve it back to them with a /comfy/ easy to use interface.

>Links & resources
Server tips:
List of ARM-based SBCs:
Low-power x86 systems:
Cheap disks: &


Attached: Screenshot_20220826_222933.png (750x351, 30.31K)

>forgot the subject

How do I into NAS as a poor

>some computer
>some drive
>optionally docker-compose (if you want to run more than Samba file share)
Put them together and done. Ask here if you need more help with any of the steps.

I basically have only $100 to spend currently. I've been thinking about setting up something because I currently store a lot of stuff on a 2tb external HDD I bought some years ago, and I'm worried it'll fail some day and I'll lose everything
It would be nice if I could set up something like a 2x2tb RAID 1 instead with some cheap ARM sbc but I'm not sure if it's possible within this budget

My 12TB WD Elements shucked drive just died after 18 months. It was from Amazon Warehouse. If I buy another and swap out the internals will I get found out?

Alright. In that case I would suggest getting another 2 TB, but instead of RAID1 I'd use it as offline backup. I'm not sure what the prices are where you live, so this might take most of the budget. I assume you don't have any spare computer (if you do, as long as power consumption is acceptable, you have already a decent server), so you might need to look around your local market sites to see if someone want to sell something for cheap or give away. SBCs got expensive recently, I'm not sure if an x86 computer or a laptop wouldn't be better bang for the buck here. Some user also recommended Pi 400 (the Pi4 with built-in keyboard) if you want ARM board that wasn't affected by price spikes.
What do you want to run on your server? Just a networked file share, or something fancier like Jellyfin, Nextcloud?
Please don't do things often unfortunately associated with people of darker skin colors, user. No warranty left, I assume?

Don’t link reddit faggot

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How do I fucking use Loki?
I know promql pretty good, but every time I try to get metrics from logs in Loki I end up giving up.
Why it is so bad compared to ELK?
The only downside for ELK is it's memory usage for a simple home installation.

How do you log, user?
>inb4 plaintext

I just configured Docker daemon to dump everything into journalctl, so that I have at least some reliable persistence of the logs, rather than losing them on each update of a service.
Inspired by today's experience at work (server suddenly kill, needed a hard restart, no clue what made it kill) I think I need a standalone box to gather logs and metrics from all my personal servers. I know I like Prometheus and Grafana, seems somewhat well supported across shit I run, and making custom exporters looks easy. But I don't know how to make logs better than what journalctl provides (I don't know what "better" means here either). ELK stack does look bloated for just at home setup.
>metrics from logs
Oh, that's another fun thing I would like to do too.

Well, I was thinking about buying some low power SBC because I'd probably have to keep it in the same room I sleep in so ideally it would have no noise and very little heat. Using a laptop or a real computer wouldn't be viable
I'd just use it for networked storage + some basic networked software (mail+rss sync+some other stuff) on a Linux system. The CPU would see almost no usage and a gpu would be mostly useless. I was thinking about something like pine64 A64+ (about ~25$ is a nice price) however I'm hesistant since I'm not sure whether you could actually attach two hard drives to it and it doesn't have good wifi

Got my chinese router today to replace WRT3200ACM. It does give me a true gigabit download speeds and I'm pretty happy with OPNSense.
I did manage to fuck it up when creating a DHCP server on OPT2, but this is most likely a user error.

i226-v works out of the box without issues, and my COTURN server (on rPi in the image) finally just works and I can call people in Element without P2P.

Overall, highly recommend.

Attached: router.jpg (1642x1528, 823.81K)

KurobaEx is such a downgrade from regular Kuroba, it makes me not want to even browse Any Forums now. Outstanding. It barely even gets quoting right.
Gotcha, for those uses a low power SBC sounds alright.
If you mean a mail server, apparently it might be a bit difficult to host, especially from home. I haven't done that and don't want to spread FUD, so maybe read more about it yourself. Solutions like mailinabox exist to make it simpler, but won't work if your ISP blocks port 25. Major providers might put your mails in spam because of residential IP.
>Pine64 A64+
A bit old and has only USB 2.0. Maybe something better supported like Pi3B+ would be obtainable for reasonable money? That one has 300 Mbps bottleneck due to how USB and NIC are plugged to SoC though, Pi4 is the first to not have it. Unfortunately I'm not too familiar with other SBCs, maybe some user will have nice budget recommendations.
Please tell me more about your setup, post your config, etc.

What was the total cost for the coturn server? Could this work as a cord cutting solution for a household with boomers that still need a home phone? How difficult would it be to connect this to an older PBX system that has voip support?

>Please tell me more about your setup, post your config, etc.
Router port forwards are on the image, coturn config is as follows:
lt-cred-mech # Can change to token instead
psql-userdb= # This is optional, I don't think it needs SQL necessarily

Attached: coturn_ports.png (987x103, 23.3K)

I meant just syncing mail from IMAP
I am wary of buying any raspberry pi devices because they require proprietary broadcom kernel modules afaik... that would be a significant pain, which is unfortunate since that board looks quite good

For that it will work well.
>proprietary blob concerns
Based, I hope you find something that's more open.

if i wanna save anime girls on my phone, and then when i get home they automatically move onto my desktop

also i can look at them on my phone to jerk off

how this?

trying sambashared combined with sambasync2 on android


Also if you're not openly degenerate combine with veracrypt and eds. On android use syncthing-fork.