When did being a true nonbeliever become socially uncool in America?

When did being a true nonbeliever become socially uncool in America?

We didn't even do anything wrong, and you wouldn't see this social stigma in other countries like France or Iceland.

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whats a nonbeliever? an atheist?

Politics are a hell of a psyop

They're the same thing.

OP here.

I wasn't even talking about politics.

Its a mix of manipulation/control and immigration/schools bringing low iq into the equation.

When? When people let it happen I suppose.

Non-believer in what..?

I went to a public school with a lot of christcucks, and I was bullied into oblivion for no reason.

I just believe in what I can physically see. That's all.

There's no physical evidence to back up the ambiguous claim that a higher power exists.

i feel like religion is way down from when it used to be. You live in the south or something?

Politics pushed christofascism into the norm. This is why abortion, and evangelist interests are being brought to the surface again. Everyone that doesn't follow their theistic authoritarianism is a pedophile and a Satanist. This is why atheism is "uncool".

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Yeah. I live in the middle of the state of Virginia.

Christcucks bullied me and I convinced my parents to convince my public high school's principal to let me be homeschooled, and I graduated a year early.

Fags always seem confuse psychopath with psychotic.
Schizos are cool. Psychos are assholes

get your ass to the CZ
its a social stigma to be religious

If you are full atheist in the US then people here assume you have no spiritual or philosophical side. Generally people here believe in something greater, if not an organized religion per se.

If I were to move to a big city, then nobody would care if I'm a true non-believer.

Unfortunately, I live in the south.

Yeah. That Sonichu rape medallion is cool. Where can we get some?

Now you're overthinking it. Chris is just retarded.

nigga stop roleplaying

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Fuck you.

That entire book has been refuted and proven to be contradictory.

I'm not some FakeSagan or Brett Keane type.

I'm an Atheist. I just misused the term non-believer.

>Schizos are cool.
Retard take

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Secular jew (you)

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I have zero jewish blood.

I just hate christcuck LARPers like Brett Keane and FakeSagan.

>zero jewish blood
>100% jewish life
Yiddle yaddle my good goy

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christianity is a jew religion