How do I get rid of these strange square symbols?

user bros I wrote a tool to help me search for housing on Craigslist but the output sometimes contains strange square boxes with numbers on the inside (pic related). How do I fix this?

Attached: foto_no_exif.jpg (3264x2448, 3.02M)

osx does not have this problem

your operating systems lacks one or more codepages used on the site
check that you have all the utf and localized codepages for whatever region you're pulling data from

So you want emoji support for GNU nano? Check to see if your terminal is set to use UTF-8 character encoding. You might also need to use a new terminal emulator that claims as a feature emoji support.
Personally I wouldn't bother, but instead be pleasxed to see that I don't have to view a pregnant yellow man eggplant monkey combo

I see. I'm assuming it would require installing the appropriate deb packages and reconfiguring locales? Thanks for pointing me in the right direction user bros.

Lack of Unicode characters.
Either some missing locale or emojis

Hello fellow San Diegan.

fuckstick taking a picture of his desktop

more than likely no running and you are seeing a tty session

the terminal i'm using is not capable of running a browser. It's an old PogoPlug. This was just the fastest solution.

this guy gets it.

Attached: 20220826-2d368e.png (645x130, 102.43K)

you post on here using one of these.

Attached: Recall.2011.11294.11294a.jpg (596x560, 33.03K)

hey, i remember those things! wtf were they actually for??? i remember they had an ethernet port, and a couple USB ports. i disassembled one of them once, and it was just a boring old SoC... (as if it would be anything else in there, lol.)

Yes install vim

Look at all those host names, it is like a parking lot full of Freedom®™

They were originally so users could access their media easily remotely via a webui. Of course the company failed completely and had a fire sale on their unsold hardware which where I came in. They can be hacked to run full Linux (no chroot) and use the latest and greatest kernel as the hardware is for the most part completely supported by FOSS.

UTF-8 made strings insanely complicated.

Attached: 1661220328643798.jpg (1080x970, 149.55K)

font issue

The problem isn't nano. The terminal program nano is running in doesn't support that emoji

Naa. Human written languages are what is insanely complicated. Unicode has to represent that insanity. And then utf-8 was needed to retrofit unicode onto existing operating systems