Spy cameras. Are there any good spy cameras, Any Forums...

Spy cameras. Are there any good spy cameras, Any Forums? I need something that can be hidden well and last at least 24 hours.

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Stop spying on your sisters bathroom weirdo.

I'm trying to catch a drug dealer

Neighbourhood watch wannabe cops get stabbed. Do you want to get stabbed, user?

not so fast fucko
>unzip hidden camera detector

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how do these even work

This pussy won't stab me. I already beat him up.

We've been over this Jake, your sister's pussy isn't "a drug" and her going to the bathroom isn't her "dealing drugs".

"I'll give you a free bag of crack if you stab this nigga who punked me."
You're fucking dead. Move out of town. NOW.

they dont

I'm not from USA.

You fags going to help me get rid of this guy or what?
I assure he is a bad person. Leaves his dog starving and crying for 12+ hours per day.

That's why I said STAB, not SHOOT.
NYPA, faggot

user, this guy is a crack head himself and no crackhead would risk life in prison for such a low life.

I don't have a sister and that's gross, user.

and do what, giorno? confront him?

They look for wifi signals but since cameras work with microsd cards there is no wifi.

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>this fucking same hidden camera thread again

esp-32 cam. You're better off hanging somewhat close to where the dealer is with mace or something, then macing them and calling the police

You have to be 18+ to post here

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need one of these for when i want to jack off at the airbnb room

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