Fuck your .deb .rpm .sh binary

In the future, all linux downloads will either be flatpacks or appimages

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>flatpacks or appimages
sorry but snap is the future

im okay with this
get out

Can either of them handle video driver installation?

the ideal future

Flatpak is completely unnecessary if the Linux community stops being retarded and adopts a NixOS like approach to package management. The fact that the leading distros still haven't caught up is pathetic.

>Flatpak is completely unnecessary if the Linux community stops being retarded and adopts a NixOS like approach to package management.
just allow for multiple glibc version installs...

>Sandboxs aren't tight enough!
Easy to solve
>They take up too much diskspace
Not a real issue outside of embedded

If you mean outside of the os parts, then that's a future I'd be fine with. I quite like the idea of immutable base os with flatpaks on top of it, separating "system" from "apps".

That's not good enough.

would be enough for most people since that's how they do it on windows with vcredist

On Windows, it's also common for programs to get shipped bundled with the dependencies they need, and those dependencies are often kept in the installation folder for the program rather than installed separately. Most Linux distro maintainers are absolute retards who think that every time any dependency receives an update, that update should be rolled out to every single package which uses that dependency. This leads to packages breaking. Also, various compile-time flags can make a dependency compatible with some packages but incompatible with others. An example of this is the adom package in the AUR which is broken because of some ncurses compile flag which differs from Ubuntu (the distro officially targeted by ADOM's developer). If Linux users want to insist on dynamically linking everything and installing everything systemwide, then they need to adopt a NixOS like system. No half measures will work.

All these retarded bloated packaging formats and sandboxing solutions just because of shitty libraries...
It's funny since they are made to be shared across applications but end up being a pain to deal with. Anyone who says that the libraries developers aren't the problem are exactily the reason why those retreaded packaging formats like flatpak and snaps exist. No one wants to deal with their bs and they will just find a way to avoid it.
bad libraries = bloated solutions to problems that shouldn't be there in the first place
unix like, not as bloated as flatpak or snap, simpler than flatpak

i only release my applications as source code, and add checks that check if source code is present on system, if the source code isn't available the application displays pop-up reading "WARNING: PRE-COMPILED BUILDS MAY CONTAIN MALWARE\ncompile the software yourself from sources available at aa.bb.cc/dd.gz to stay safe"

not installing your garbage

>if the Linux community stops being retarded
I.e. never
>Scan entire system for user private data
>Warning: you have installed a virus! Go to my website and run my configure script which is totally not-a-virus™.
Lintroons are so fucking retarded

Why not deliver your app as a basic standalone program instead of THAT?

>add checks that check if source code is present on system

glibc and gcc

you have freedom to use the software, but you also have the freedom to not use the software.
>>Scan entire system for user private data
not even entire system, it is just hardcoded check that does the following
if file_exists /usr/share/mycrapapp/src/component_check.cpp then
sha512sum /usr/share/mycrapapp/src/component_check.cpp
!= calculated_sum excepted_sum (display_build_warning)
using code like the one this
in the future it could be improved with signature check that also verifies the signature of that file with one in file list that has been signed with public key included in the source

They're slow

>hardcoded path
so do you instruct users to place the source code there?

DEB just works, Ubuntu just works
sorry, but I won't use Fagdora

>Edits your source code to get rid of the check and your gay warning message
>Distributes resulting binary
Nothing personnel freetard