How does a 30+ year old man get 18-21 year old pussy?

How does a 30+ year old man get 18-21 year old pussy?

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Good looks, charm, and money.

Go to thailand

if you have to ask, you don't have it

or just go for stupid hoes



The problem with that is they eventually talk and you have to hear it

Same way you would get any other girl. Fucked 19 year old

Can an average guy with some money get strippers to fuck off the clock?

Doesnt dating apps still work? There should be those who want to pair up with someone significantly older. But you gotta be attractive and probably established when it comes to money.


I wish I had a basic bitch white girl teen gf. Someday.

How do I find teen escorts?

Unless you are...
>1) Rich
>2) Famous
>3) Powerful
>4) Have an unbelievable personality
>5) Extremely good-looking
You'll need cocaine


Just go for girls that are average but treat them like they're hotties.
Attention goes a long way to getting them to say yes to just about anything.

My friend says so, his trick is being good at giving them massages and he's also charismatic

Men in this age range are close to their prime. You are in a better position in life as compared to when you were their age. More skills, wealth, maturity and so on. Your chances are good, you just need the right environment to meet them and interact.

start a cult

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>More skills, wealth, maturity and so on.
ye-yeah, sure

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