Are there any secure password managers?

Are there any secure password managers?

Attached: Screenshot_20220826-093219_Gmail.jpg (971x1573, 532.51K)

Yeah, pad and pencil


Their code got stolen but users' passwords weren't.

The one you write yourself, retard.


I disagree. People are generally terrible at writing software.


pass with gpg
watch lukesmith video
It only works on unix machines tough

If you can't even write your own password manager with your own implementation of an encryption algorithm of your choice you need to go back to html.

The one in your web browser
The one in your operating system
All others are scams
Imagine unironically paying someone to keep your passwords on their server in plaintext

physical post it notes, the only way someone can get your passwords is to break into your house

do they even try to prove they didn’t hack themselves?

Or look into it through a window, with binoculars, or a somewhat accurate 360 camera on top of a tower. Spent about an hour or two looking at one gigabyte photo some bureau took and saw quite a number of insides of homes.

>Are there any secure password managers?
your mind
anything else is mentally retarded
if you forget your password then it wasnt important anyway

Disagree; people are generally really poor at coming up with, and remembering passwords. Especially when there's more than a couple dozen of sites you'd have to do that for.

"""people""" or subhuman niggercattle as I like to call them do not need passwords
they exist solely as a worker ant slave race and there is no need to give them access to any kind of technology
if humans didnt grab them by their necks and pull them screaming and flailing into civilization they would have been completely content with sitting in some cave banging two rocks together and eating rats
they do not want passwords, they have nothing that needs to be protected and they would be more content without them

>more than a couple dozen of sites
peak niggercattle behavior
99% of those sites serve no actual purpose which is also why you dont bother to remember the passwords


Your brain


>paying someone else to store your passwords
Why are people so fucking retarded?