Nikolas Cruz

Does anyone agree this guy might be the dumbest mass murderer to have ever been noticed

The guy tried to play insanity thinking it would end him in a psych ward(which isn’t even a nicer place to be than in prison) even though he created the evidence that is enough to lock his GenZed ass for the rest of his life

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I like when the witnesses and survivors point at him

"fucking puerto rican"

Probably duped by Mossad.

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He was probably picked on at school, and so he violently responded .
if people were nicer to him , he wouldn’t have done that maybe .

Why didn't he just kill himself when he was done shooting people?

This kid was born broken. His mom was a srug addled whore who is currently in prison. His sister is in for murder, and wouldnt you know it, she always wanted to do what HE did, shoot up a school. He was removed from them and put into foster care, with a decent family, so they could try and prevent the inevitable. Cruz needs to die, he is irreparable.

He planned to go to psyche ward apparently

part of the problem is the media attention

Wrong. He want picked on, people where afraid of him, and they where right to be. Hes deranged, but its a personality disorder so it cant be treated. He was more than sane enough to be responsible for his actions.

Yeah society failed this kid horribly

They tried, but you cant fix broken like he is.

He may have had a disorder, but all these school shooters are picked on and have no friends , and they react as any abused being would .

How did they try?

So the guy choose to commit revenge one year after his own graduation?

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>Does anyone think that a mentally unstable 17 year old mongoloid who shot up his school is retarded?
What a keen observation you've made. Jesus christ.

I mean he killed a lot of people, pretty successful as far as mass murderers go. The dumbest have to be those guys that wanted to be mass murderers and thought "a church with a thousand people in Texas is the perfect spot, no chance any of those people have guns and can shoot."

user, even his adopted little nigger brother has admitted to picking on him.

You treat people awful, they might become awful people . Not hard to figure out . How hard would it be to be kind to someone ? It cost nothing .


His fucking search history was hilarious

His interrogation video is fucking funny. He tries to act all crazy and that he’s suicidal, talking about voices in his head, and when the interrogator leaves he gets this big goofy grin on his face and starts re-enacting shooting people till he realizes he’s being videotaped then acts remorseful again and mimes shooting him self. He’s legit retarded.