Why are leftists so evil and cruel towards white people?

Why does the left have such a strong hatred for white people? Every time I check all the left-wing media, information, groups, movements, sources, the left always say crappy things about whites. It's not blacks who write terrible comments about whites. It's not blacks who promote hatred towards whites. All this is done by white leftists. Leftists wholeheartedly hate white people. They consider the whites to be a race of demons, and their children deserve to die. The left hates absolutely everything about white people, their history, culture, holidays, inventions, traditions, national heroes. The left does not see white people as normal human beings with emotions and personalities. Leftists never say anything positive about whites. Leftists always demonize white people. They always use anti-white concepts and terms, such as myths about "white privilege", "white supremacy", etc. All leftists support white genocide and wish death to every white person. What have white people done wrong to leftists? Why do leftists see whites as their number one enemies? Is it because of capitalism or history? Even black nationalists don't hate whites as much as white leftists do.

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I wonder if all the spics in central and south America get hit with this shit all the time? I guess now there is a massive influx of Californians fleeing to live in Mexico City that they will take this nonsense with them.

Because they’re slaves to Jewish propaganda, and Jews fucking hate white christians.

They are embolden by the media

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White people are successful. Lefties despise success.

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That faggot at the top ignites much more rage in me than the chimp

evil cannot create, only corrupt and destroy

You're retarded.

This just in

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white guilt is the real cringe

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Yeah, don't worry about those whites that carry guns.

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Name a successful leftist/socialist society.

Tiny colonies no-one’s herd of don’t count. I want examples of socialism that rivalled American capitalism and its export of its culture around the world.

Christians worship kikes lol

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I don't, I worry about the niggers that carry guns, And knives, and sticks and cactus

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Pic related.

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>white guilt is the real cringe

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It’s simply jealousy. They look at their history and they look at ours, and they realize they’ve done nothing by comparison. They didn’t explore the world, or make great achievements to science, medicine, and so on. They see everything they touch and use, all the companies they give money to were development and built by whites. From Disney, to Apple, Starbucks, etc. whites built everything. And whites are better looking and everyone knows it

To;dr they hate us cuz they ain’t us

Leftist culture is built on cruelty, it’s a pit of vipers and those on top have as much venom in them as they spew out, the hateful and deceitful cower together and act as though they’re better than all.

This image is so true. Leftoids do not make any sense. There's no logic among them.

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A butthurt Trumpturd probably both made the leaflet then posted it online.


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I don't worry about blacks. They are on borrowed time. Black men are killed by everyone. Cops, home owners, business owners, other blacks,

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Do you have a problem with racial prejudice?

So, are you saying the left doesn’t hate white people? You don’t hate white people yourself, you’re not riddled with white guilt?


>Leftoids do not make any sense. There's no logic among them.
you're making a common mistake. You misunderstand their position and priority so you assume they're stupid.

They believe there is no truth but power and that any principle that impedes their power is not worth abiding by. If you look at what they say through the lens of "the ends justify the means", they'll seem a lot more logical.

Don't mistake their malice and deceit for stupidity, they know exactly what they're doing and it's working.

Literally everyone on the left agrees with the statement of the leaflets.
I've never met any leftoid that didn't oenly advocate for violence and hostility towards whites for doing nothing.

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>the ends justify the means
unironically they were saying this when the first evidence of election fraud emerged

Only when directed towards whites, Asians, Hispanics, and Arabs

It's pure jealously. Whites have a rich culture and history. Almost all the great composers, scientists, writers, conquerors, inventors were mostly white men.

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all the leftists who shrieked about "islamophobia" and the need for religious tolerance when those muslims beheaded the french cartoonist, and again with the schoolteacher. are now shrieking about how evil and stupid christians are.

It was never about consistency or principle.

they also don't think for themselves. they're programmed to repeat what the media tells them, and barring that, anything against "team red". The left hasn't stood for anything new or progressive in a long time, they want change for the sake of change, not for the betterment of society