White people food

>white people food

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Yep, you got a problem with that?

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ah shieet wipepois owned fr

Error: american white people food

Savoury mince and potatoes with some HP sauce, looks like good homely food to me.


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You got that in public school or jail, nigger?

No. Have you seen UK and Scandinavian food? Northern Europeans are food plebs.

That's because you're white trash.

American here. What the hell is HP sauce? Never seen nor heard of it. That's not from the US.

I wouldn't say no to this...yummy

Error: Yankee American white people food.

Based food

>black people food

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Means uggo stateside... That's about right

Sorry bros, that’s bonafide British food, that’s the queen’s meal innit mates. Mince and HP sauce, guvna. Another plate, if it ain’t a bother, old bean.

Ugly is fine. You eat it and you shit it out the other end. As long as it tastes good and is nutritious.

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lol your food is so bad you have to shit it out afterwards


britbonger food more like
and damned is it, now and ever