How far are we from total DNA manipulation technology that will allow you to easily modify your body with complete...

How far are we from total DNA manipulation technology that will allow you to easily modify your body with complete control?

Like pop a pill, wake up different tomorrow.

I need to know.

Attached: cute.png (851x512, 509.79K)

This will never happen.

Can't fix niggers

>Can't fix niggers

Attached: you.png (200x253, 5.58K)

Any Forums the last bastion on 4chin for white excellence (niggers get filtered immediately)

I don't think such a pill is a theoretical impossibility, but a big question you have to ask is whether the person that wakes up tomorrow is still you.

If the dna changes makes the retain your memories but completely changes your personality from a daft big black bull to a hyperintelligent shy japanese girl is that still you?


You will never be a woman

>How far


Why do people think DNA modification would do anything like this?
Go buy an Ikea bookshelf and build it. Then after you're done, replace the instruction booklet with the one for an Ikea table. Has your bookcase turned into a table?
Yeah it's an oversimplified analogy, but either way, replacing the instructions after something is built won't transform it like that.

me on the left

>Yeah it's an oversimplified analogy
those two things aren't analogous at all actually
genetic engineering wont fix your retarded ass for sure

not within our lifetime unless aliens exist, become aware of us, and are either benign enough or have a purpose out of us enough to offer that rather than just wipe us off the face of the earth

2 centuries or more user

Hundreds of years.

yes, because I am all the things that are outside of me, and while certain relative measures of difference between myself and them changed, they remain the same set of things regardless.

Attached: imagination.jpg (1920x1080, 278.4K)

During pregnancy maybe 10 years from foetus editing.
>enjoy seeing brown parents with pale kids

never going to happen. you would need to change the DNA at or before conception.
a grown body can't just magically morph into another body.

i dont know shit about genes or dna or whatever nerd shit youre talkin about but surely the repair systems/ "instructions" are different to the growth systems/ "instructions", if 100% of your cells are replaced every 7 years or whatever then surely its at least theoretically possible to turn into a hyperintelligent shy japanese girl over like 3 years if i worked really hard at it