How do you deal with stress?

how do you deal with stress?

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Atop being a pussu, you are an adult. What the fuck were the 12 years of education for? What would your father think?
Just kidding, bro. Find friends you can talk to. Don't immediately assume that a new friend is cool with it, though

finding friends at my age is tough, besides i like u people better, the advice here can be grade A


Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン


Depends what is stressing you out and if you can do anything about it.

If it can't be affected no matter how hard I strive, I simply ignore it, like immigration for instance or the impending decline of the west. The writing's on the wall and whatever happens is going to happen regardless of my input but I'm not stressed at all because I simply don't give a fuck.

But then like, a bad day at work kind of stress usually a bit of drug use and hang out with some friends or relax alone to recharge the batteries.

>if you can do anything about it.
a lot i can't, and I know it, but the thoughts keep coming back, over and over, it just won't work itself out. It's almost like OCD, but with memories
>I simply don't give a fuck.
I do though to an unnatural extent

Drugs and I bottle it up until it becomes unsustainable and I suffer a mental breakdown

>it becomes unsustainable and I suffer a mental breakdown
like you are overwhelmed and just shut down?

What is it that's stressing you out? If you're obsessing over something mentally against your will or to a point that you can't think about other things clearly that's a bad sign. If you're looking at why you are stressed / so deeply affected by whatever this is, you will need to get to the absolute core of why it bothers you.

This may sound like a nebulous and vague thing to say to someone so here is my example.

I was abused a lot growing up, and I struggled to deal with anger, feelings of regret and betrayal, self hate, all kinds of negativity all my life. In the deepest parts of my mind I know now the ultimate reason behind my negativity, and I can admit it to myself. For a long time I viewed myself as weak, and stupid that I would allow myself to be thusly abused, and stupid that I believed what my abusers told me as a child. Even though I was a child, I still retroactively expected better of myself as though I should have been somehow immune to it or could have prevented it from having such a deep affect on my psyche and self-image, these feelings have lead to a deep and long lasting self hate, that still tries to hang on even today, despite me being well aware of it.

For me to simply say I was upset about a rough childhood would only be the very tip of the iceberg and it took a long time for me to realise exactly why I was unhappy, and how to address these feelings.

Good luck with it user.

Smoke weed everyday.

>If you're obsessing over something mentally against your will or to a point that you can't think about other things clearly that's a bad sign
what is it a sign of?

>I was abused a lot growing up, and I struggled to deal with anger, feelings of regret and betrayal, self hate, all kinds of negativity all my life.
are u me?

Bad mental health and that you need to fix it. Imagine if that was your knee, if every time or even a quarter of the time you tried to use your knee it fucked up as bad as your brain is doing, you would go see a doctor.

Take a moment and think, how much of your mind is dominated by these (apparently unwanted, from the tone of your posts) thoughts/feelings/stresses and be honest with yourself, it most likely needs to be addressed.

As much as a post like mine can help you realise you need professional help and believe me it is incredibly helpful, insight on Any Forums cannot substitute real treatment.

I don't

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World of Warcraft


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>you need professional help and believe me it is incredibly helpful,
I disagree there, I will treat myself. they just write for drugs and tell you all your problems are someone else's fault

By not giving a fuck I am being serious literally just stop caring

Don't take the antidepressants then, but shrinks are really quite good at identifying the kinds of things I've been discussing and helping you recognise what behaviours you need to keep, what ones to get rid of, and why you even have them in the first place, it's unreal how well they can read you.

For what it's worth, psychiatrists and psychologists are different, it's been a while so I forget which is which but one dopes you up and one asks you how you feel, the talk therapy will definitely help you if you find a good therapist, but by the same token there are some absolutely useless therapists out there, too.