I know this nearly homeless woman who delivers newspapers for $30 a month and collects beer cans/bottles
With gas prices raising, it now costs more to deliver the papers than it pays.
Does anybody have any idea what kind of odd jobs she could be doing instead?
She's old, late 60's, not physically fit, and unattractive.
She has no talents or skills.
Is she hopelessly doomed to become homeless?
She's a friend of the family, we've been helping her for over 20 years.
I would hate to see her go homeless again.

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That's bullshit. As a kid, a paper route was 80 fucking dollars

WTF? Just fuck her mouth once a week and toss her $20

I've tried to get her to do door dash but her friend's car broke down, has unpayed insurance debt, and both their cellphones have combined $1000 debt in unpayed bills.

The only thing I could think of was mowing lawns but she can't do that she's too weak to push a mower.

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And she's 60? oh my god my sides user never laughed so much in my life mate

We're in canada, you get payed less for everything and our money is worth less.
She doesn't have a really big paper route that a kid could handle.
She's an old woman who can't walk very far.

She is very ugly and she does not want to be a prostitute.

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Her landlord cleared out her house while she was away one day and threw out her birth certificate and all other identification so she cannot get a real job
I've been trying to help her get her ID replaced for two years but it seems impossible

I really don't see what's so funny.
You are laughing at her failure?
That's pretty edgy.
Don't cut yourself with that edge.

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Her landlord threw her birth certificate and ID away? Listen mate I know you're trying to put yourself on a high horse thinking you're gonna get into heaven for tryna help her, but you're lying and that's illegal as fuck lmfaooooo as if. What's next on the larp? The police wouldn't let her set up her tent in the middle of the street?

user, she can either be prostitute for family friend like yourself, or she can become homeless and be forced into prostitution anyway.
Besides, if you're too much of a fag to get your cock sucked by an ugly 60yo woman, just give her some money on the regular. She can cook or do your laundry etc if you want to be weird about it.

I don't care about heaven I just want to help her dumbass.
No, her landlord threw all her shit out because she was late on rent.
Yeah it's illegal, but what are we supposed to do about it?
She can't cook.
My clothes are so cheap for $30 a month I could just buy a new wardrobe.

Thanks anyway I guess.

She has no value or skills. Just give her charity you miser jew

This thread got me interested in a question. Google's sad 4th grade science experiment search doesn't help me find an answer.
If a person owes money on bills and is sent to prison, are the bills waiting for them when they get out? It would seem like the person is technically "fixed" and ready to contribute to society, so would they be dicks and still say "pay up now"?

Lol who the fuck cares? Why are you being a faggot? You've been giving her money for 20 fucking years? Kill yourself and tell her to kill herself so the rest of us don't have to deal with such bullshit

I don't think your debts go on hold just because you're in jail.

what the fuck does she expect? can't cook can't clean?? fuck off those are excuses, she clearly doesn't want to work for money. nobody in a situation this pathetic would say they can't cook or clean for money. make the larp more realistic next time faggot


I thought Canada was a social welfare mecca.

Just support her with no expectation of her ever paying you back.

You were lied to.

Amazon mechanical turk from a library computer might be enough for her to make ends meet. Basically a bunch of human needed but not difficult tasks done on a computer. Like doing recaptua over and over every day but you get paid like 5c every time you do one. Would def be more than 30$ a month.

If she has grandma vibes she should just get a job as a store greeter