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I'd take anything DSM-related with a grain of salt fwiw

Thanks for the backlink

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I mean yeah, I'd agree with that, but ultimately it's one of the foundations for treatment
but that by itself is one of the symptoms, feeling completely different from everyone else
it's going to take decades, not years, to get to normalcy in terms of mental health, and that's with consistent treatment which by itself is hard to want to do
but I don't want to talk about this anymore

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Not sure I like her boob-pattern. Makes me think of like a chest-burster.


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I am a normal functioning adult that also happens to be a furry.

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Oh right, there's a music festival going on outside

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If pokemon were real. Do you think trainers that fuck their pokemon would be shunned?

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Helluva boss episode 3 timestamp 6:02

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this isn't furry
this is poke shit and zoo shit
please post anthros, preferably not pokemon

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I'm at least a functioning adult

I should hope so
I dunno if it would be better to consider it bestiality or sexual slavery

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I should get to bed

goodnight floofs

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sleep well
sorry for bothering you


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shut up.
who made you the furry police?

I mean, they have the power to destroy us if they want to. So there has to be some level of consent for both parties. I dont think an animal that could shoot fire from its mouth would allow you to assault them sexually. Just be cause they dont look like us doesnt mean we cant "love" them.

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I thought it was cannon that trainers and pokemon did things.

Attached: 1636337490989.png (966x1079, 353.33K)

It's Japan, so of course it is.

Attached: 13324.42798074.1626375682.maaia_[comm]_avelos_pussy_[web].jpg (1280x905, 137.69K)

there are threads for your ilk: the poke threads AKA 'box' threads
there aren't rules, just suggestions
we aren't going to post poke shit, so if you want more then go where people do
we don't want to see it

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