I cant seem to hold down a job

I cant seem to hold down a job.

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You're a failure

get on welfare

Absolutely not. I dont want my taxdollars wasted supporting a failure

fuck your tax dollars faggot

I know
I probably wouldnt qualify, even if I did, I dont know man.

I haven't had a "job"' in 12yrs & I live like a king. You're doing it wrong

Well I am a fucking retard so there you have it. I just dont know how to socialize or capitalize off of thin air. If euthanasia were legal, I would have done so.

If bankruptcy makes trump a smart business man, rejecting the opportunity for welfare makes you a dumbass by choice

Im the OP, I dont think i would qualify for it and welfare is no life. I am a loser and I know that, I cant seem to hold it together

>defeatist attitude
See a link there moron?

Working is awful

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You apply for welfare to keep yourself alive & find a shit job that pays you under the table so you can save all your income; then work it out from there

I know but I just cant seem to pull it together. 3 months tops, I dont know why man. I cant believe I am a winner if I am obviously not, thats fucking delusional. I cant believe I am going to make millions of dollars when the majority of us will make under 100k us dollars and that is being generous. I am tired

I'm the NEET king & I approve this message. Lazyness be with you user

It isnt so much working, it is much more my inability to hold down a job. I just cant seem to do it.
I may not know much, I might be a retard but that seems awfully illegal, wouldn't that be welfare fraud?

You won't ever make millions. Get some perspective. You can become a happy person literally just by deciding that you are ... unless you need medical help

Happiness is a lie, I dont want to be happy, I want to be financially stable. That is the catch 22 boss, youre supposed to think youre going to make millions but youre delusional if you do.

NOBODY is successful because they followed the rules, unless they had advantages most people don't have. Do what you need to; just don't hurt anyone doing it

Been working a job for a year now, 8 months full time. Mental health is better, but my reality is going to work, then doing nothing on the weekends.

I exercise and enjoy some vidyas, but I'm not progressing, or learning skills, etc.

I get the NEET life

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I live self-sufficiently innawoods with no income & my life is a deliriously happy dream. Money is never the only answer

Im a retard, i have already established that, I wouldnt be able to break the rules without immediately being caught.
I dont want millions or to hurt anyone, I just want to make enough money to live but in order to do that zi would have to be able to hold down a job which I seemingly am not able to do

Get a spoonful of -

Do you have a car?

I dont.
Good for you, no sarcasm
Tasteless poison which might help me finally get some rest

>I cant seem to hold down a job.

"Jobs" are for weak slaves.

Don't piss away your wealth on tech/insurance/rent/eating out/taxes/etc. and you won't need much money at all to live like a king.

Why did you get fired?

I quit.
I dont know any other way. It isnt sustsinable