Wait.... What? What fucking planet am I on right now?

Wait.... What? What fucking planet am I on right now?

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Because unlike Trump, he actually got Mexico to pay for it, lol.

Right wingers are just now figuring out Biden is lnt a leftist lmao


Walls are racist, btw

Realize that's Fox News putting a spin on a nothingburger story.

It rouses the white trash rabble.


So, Biden ISN’T building any of the Wall then? Is that what you’re saying?

you didn’t have enough money to pay for your education?

So, he actually does stuff, instead of just bullshitting to appease a bunch of frothing cultists?

>Walls are racist, btw
Homes are classist, btw.

He's not so much building a wall as patching some gaps in the existing barrier.

... which is basically what Trump was doing too. But Trump talked it up so much that the other side raised a ruckus about it and so he wasn't able to build very much of it. Biden on the other hand isn't talking it up, and just quietly doing it, apparently sharing some of the cost of it with Mexico.

>the other side raised a ruckus about it and so he wasn't able to build very much of it
wouldn't have been a problem if he got mexico to pay for it

Where's the agreement or title of it? It just says source says.

>wouldn't shouldn't doodn't

>wouldn't have been a problem if he got mexico to pay for it

BS. It's was nothing but "racist" and "walls don't work" for 4 years straight.

shut up Libtard. Walls are only racist when Trump builds them.

>I'm gonna build a great wall it will be the best wall nobody builds walls better than me I'll even get Mexico to pay for it you know they aren't sending their best by the way
>*quietly has talk with Mexican leaders and starts building wall*

don't forget pardons for people who ripped off his supporters to build a shitty wall that was done just to make him look bad too.

That's because Texas, and Arizona are busing the migrants to Biden's door steps.

Attached: 1659048291922688.jpg (692x766, 116.17K)

So I guess he wasn't that good of a deal maker. sad

It's generally wise from a diplomacy perspective not to publicly insult a country and its people just before begging them to fund a large project for you.