What's the worst piece of technology you've ever purchased?

What's the worst piece of technology you've ever purchased?

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old nokia lumia with windows phone 7 on it. this was in like 2013, all my friends had iphones. i got bullied for this.

Apple Pencil.

an AMD processor

Intel DZ68BC.
Great board unless you want to use ivy bridge cpus.
Then it never turns off barely works and eventually just stops doing anything.

GPD XD, what a cheap chink piece of shit.

Dell Latitude laptop, circa late 90s'. Apparently Dell made the connectors on the laptop between the mobo and keyboard out of two different types of metal, and the two metals were reacting with each other, causing the keyboard to eventually go wonky.
Another Dell fail is that they use proprietary motherboards in their servers and desktops, so that you cant use the case with another generation or a different 'standard' motherboard. Very annoying... you have to replace the whole thing if you want to upgrade. Was a sys-admin for a few years, and I pushed management to stay away from Dell desktops and servers when they wished to upgrade. So there I was building PCs from parts ordered in bulk. Management was happy, since it's cheaper to build (bulk order) then to get a pre-built, and can use the latest and greatest stuff.
The job was a run of the mill office, so they didn't need ecc-memory, but the bosses all wanted high end CPU and GPU's to post on twatter and faceburg. I had fun building 20 or so computers though, and they provided free food for our building party.

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This cooler.
Every time I want to clean my pc, I remember about this piece of shit and I just feel like throwing it out of the window

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A computer

A lot of extra metal

Weird how life is. My best purchase was an amd cpu and GPU at half price from a retard.

this piece of shit

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I paid 110 euro for a windows 10 key

good god man why would you do that?

I still use a windows nokia lumia up to this day

I don't know why I bought that, it's a pain in the ass and there smaller coolers performing better than this

>bought a cock sucking machine
>used it for 3 months
I mean if I were to compare it to how much I pay for a BJ I got my money's worth but it kinda sucked that it died so fast.

i used to run forums and gameservers from 2011 to 2015. here's a non exhaustive list of dumb shit i paid for because i was ignorant
>paid for someone else to set up webhosting, gave him my login to my registrar to do the footwork.
>paid for shoddy eastern european discount hosting for arma 2 servers and gmod. our users were mostly USTZ, few AU and UK. no one liked that
>paid for paypig gamemodes. there used to be (probably still are) gamemodes for online games that the "devs" demand payment for and threat servers hosting w/o payment. i fell for this years ago
>didn't vet admins enough, gave admin roles out to friends early on (BIG mistake). ended up learning how important regular backups are due to this
>paid for support for retarded shit i could/should have been able to fix myself very easily

and many more instances of me doing retarded shit, being clueless and in over my head.

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my "be quiet" with just 1 fan is really great. Less than a mm from being too large. Perfectly sized to maximize.

A Dell Venue 8 Pro Windows 8.1 tablet. It was the biggest piece of dogshit I've ever owned. Constant driver issues because of constant update issues. Battery drain issues, connected standby issues, digitizer issues. I spent more time fixing that piece of crap than actually using it. I should've returned it, but I thought Microsoft or Dell would finally get around to polishing it and making it usable, but it never happened. The lesson here: never buy anything with the hope that the bugs will get ironed out down the road. If it's not good out of the box, just return it.

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Canon mhd4500 or whatever inkjet printer.

Some faggot cuck on Anandtech recommended it.

>Proprietary cartridges
>Manual refilling is a fucking shitshow mess

Fuck that piece of shit.

This guy. Bought twice, returned twice. First one started artifacting and whining about a week before return window closed. The second started doing the same a week after I took it home. Ended up buying an RTX 2060 super which I scalped during the shortage and went back to my GTX 960 which is now trucking along in my son's computer.

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