Work in people's backyards

>work in people's backyards
>Customer has 2 chocolate labs and they're always friendly
>1 of them was put down recently
>the other is less friendly now, she starts barking at me instead of wanting pets like usual
>she then comes to me cowering down like she did something wrong

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Grief isn't exclusive to humans.

Probably bullshit, but I'd like to think animals have an other side like humans. Hell, we're all probably in queue for the same highway, they'll meet again.

Reminder that owning pets is bad for the environment and is a waste of time and money. They're ultimately a net negative when it comes to benefiting the quality of your life.

Yeah, and what exactly are you doing to keep the planet moving, schizoid?

ahhh user how long ago did the dog get put down?
>an other side like humans
Absolutely they do. Ive seen hundreds of vids with this

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Not owning a wild animal is one.

2 weeks ago

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Maybe the other one will come around soon then. She lost the only thing that is just like her

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>she then comes to me cowering down like she did something wrong
hug her, she's grieving

They said they're too old to get another dog, however their son also has a lab that he brings over
I did

> is a waste of time and money.
What kind of FUCKED UP WORLD do you live in? All pets earn their keep.

"Because of Dogs, we get to see the things we wished we'd see more of in people." -Marge Simpson-
Board is 18+

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Horrid bait. I hope you're autistic.

Because even a Chihuahua would sense how inferior you are, and bite your testicles beyond repair then first time you napped.

How is this BAIT?? I replied to an asshole. What's YOUR fucking problem??
Board is STILL 18+

God I can't wait for summer to end.

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God I can't wait until you turn 18 and see what a fucking asshole you've been. GO BACK displaced reddit FAGGOT.

Depends on if the animals were bonded. Dogs are very capable of knowing when their buddy is gone, it's the reason they wag their tail when the owner arrives home.
It's the reason they get cathartic and lay in the same spot for hours on end when their patterns are broken.
Dog doesn't get it but it knows what's up.

Have you offered to adopt her? Clearly that dog views you as family