Why are white people the only race that is persecuted and genocided forever?

Why are white people the only race that is persecuted and genocided forever?

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Jews aren't white.

If you read the manga Attack on titan, you'll understand. White people are basically Eldians from Aot or elves from LOTR.

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Because jews dont forgive and they dont forget. But they also wont tell you why they've been kicked out 1,000s of times.

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And thats just the number of countries.

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It's more than 3000 cities, empires and kingdoms.

The Long and Winding Road.

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It's jealously, of course. Brown people will forever hate and try to kill white people. Whitephobia is in DNA of all brown people. White man's existence make billions of brown people cry. Browns are subhuman savages.

I believe you.

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Jews hate white Christians. They basically are still pissed about Christ, and have never formed a healthy society, not to mention are xenophobic. They move from country to country as parasites, shitting up the place (usury, etc) until they get kicked out. They literally take advantage of Christian's "want to do well and nice things" and shit all over it. Their time is almost over. It's on the horizon now and everyone sees it. It's coming towards us exponentially. It is almost tiem

Elves are more like Native Americans. Considering our penchant for industry, white people are more like Tolkien's dwarves.

Jews also love to pilpul (change meaning of things to suit their needs)

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>Native Americans. Considering our penchant for industry
LoL like gambling, roadsite fireworks and beads? Oh and dont forget moccasins which are made in China.

I don't have all my riddler memes on this computer. Just these two. Maybe someone else can fill in

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>Elves are more like Native Americans.
Lmao no. Elves look nothing like shitskins. White people are Elves of the real world.
>small in numbers(world minority)
>blonde hair, blue eyes, light skin
>are good at magic, science, inventions
>strong army

That's Native Americans after white people ruined them, don't be disingenuous. Native Americans functioned in and maintained a pristine North America in the same manner as the elves did with middle earth. It only took white people 300 years to turn it into a gas station parking lot.

If you think their physical appearance has anything to do with their identity within the functioning of their fictional universe, you have a middle-school reading comprehension.

Oh, I know you. You're that whiny, racist fag who uses the weird "LoL". How much time do you spend arguing on this website?

LoL I am part native American. They were wiped out mostly by smallpox and other european city diseases. They also took slaves from rival tribes and went to war with each other. Dont pretend they were saints.

Also dont be a luddite considering your groceries get to the store inside of a diesel powered big rig. Or maybe you'd like to go back to subsistence farming?

>Oh, I know you.
You know the voices in your head.

I do own and run a homestead, bitch. Now what?