Why do girls close their eyes when being kissed? i always open my eyes to check if they are peeking but they never do

why do girls close their eyes when being kissed? i always open my eyes to check if they are peeking but they never do

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>why do girls close their eyes when being kissed?
So they can imagine you're someone else that they actually want to kiss.

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why don't they ask me to wear a 3d printed mask with the someone else's face on it covering mine up?

i have sent an email to the elders of the internet with your ip address

Why would they need to look at you dumbass, they can feel your lips what are they gonna do miss?

they might enjoy it, i like eye contact

Maybe they close their eyes when they see your chud face.

yes maybe they should wear a blindfold then they would not have to look at me at all

If you're close enough to kiss why would you need to use your eyes? Kissing is all about how it feels - pleasure from kissing has nothing to do with your eyes. Also you will look like this if you do open them close to their face lol

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i always worry if they are enjoying it or not so i try to open my eyes to read their facial expressions but it don't know what i am looking for. lol ye i hope i don't look like that

You absolutely look like that if you're focusing on something right in front of your eyes, looking dumb is probably another reason why women don't like to keep their eyes open.

Keep your eyes closed and focus on both feeling good, how they kiss will tell you all you need to know.

>how they kiss will tell you all you need to know.
it doesn't come naturally to me for whatever reason, i am probably very bad at kissing because i don't know what to do with my tongue and lips and stuff, like if they bite my lip then i will do it back to them, or if they put their tongue in my mouth i will reciprocate, but i never take the lead like that, it's always just a reply

Listen if you're unsure about kissing just communicate - every girl will be different so don't try and guess. Ask them to kiss you in a way they want to be kissed and mirror the technique.

hmm ye that sounds good, communicating with her would be the best way