Ask a 35 year old kissless virgin anything

Ask a 35 year old kissless virgin anything.

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We truly live in a society.

Wish I had a magnificent beard like that

Whats it like kissing a girl ?

I heard it's like kissing bags of sand.

How did you make it through all those bar mitzvahs without hooking up? Not getting laid I get but you're telling me you made it all the way through high school without a kiss?

what is sex like?

I have autism and lost my v card at 17

is sex like kissing?
which is better?

You ever had a threesome before?

In high school, I was always kind of at the margins. Not bullied or anything. In fact, I was kinda the least cool kid in the cool/popular crowd. And it just never happened. Had many crushes but none were ever interested.

Normie REEEE

do you have pocket hentai?

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Your mom and your mom's even fatter sister.

ever considered going gay and taking dick up the ass?

Lol, impressive.

I'd be a great twink but alas I am straight.

>you're telling me you made it all the way through high school without a kiss?
It's not very hard to do
