Is it really worth leaving Windows for Linux? I am thinking of migrating to Ubuntu

Is it really worth leaving Windows for Linux? I am thinking of migrating to Ubuntu.

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depends on what you do nigga
use your brain

>I am thinking of migrating to Ubuntu.
id try one of the other ubuntu flavors xubuntu or kubuntu because gnome sucks

Nope. GNU/Linux is for servers and making money.



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only if you using a laptop
i would pick Debian,Mint or PopOs! over Ubuntu
dont fall for the meme

Pls no, i tried switching from mint to ubuntu. Snap is baked into the system, its unpurgable.

>can your pc run windows?

>yes? run windows

>no? buy a new PC

No. Linux is unironically trash. Let me tell you my brief story with Linux:
First I tried installing Ubuntu, but this shit always got stuck in the installer so I tried to install Debian instead, it installed but this piece of smelly trash can't even detect my graphics card and instead uses llvmpipe (software renderer), when I do something that demands CPU the desktop become very laggy and all DE have a very bad UX.

Also this:

>filtered by ubuntu installer
that's a new low, even for Any Forums

I've used Arch since 2014. It's not been a perfect experience but especially in the last few years gaming has been completely viable, from old games to new ones. Anyone complaining about Linux in Current Year +7 is doing so due to incompetence, or they're simply trolling.

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What games? Check them here.
Also try Linux Mint Cinnamon, and if you don't like that, Kubuntu, and if you want something less stable but more updated, Manjaro.

Why would you openly admit you got filtered by the fucking Ubuntu installer? Was this not an incredibly embarrassing thing in your mind?

If you have to ask, you're not ready

Yes, but not to Ubuntu. First check what you need to do with your computer in order to choose a proper distribution. If unsure choose any non gnome Fedora from:

I'm kind of on the fence myself as a CS student. I think I'll keep it in a VM for the classes that require it but I want to concentrate on Windows systems programming and GPU programming. The latter of which looks pretty comfy in VS.

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i'm not to blame if the installer always was getting stuck and wouldn't proceed to the next step, i tried looking for the reason online, I found what was happening to me ( but none of the fixes made the fucking installer work.

no it's a pain in the ass for basically no gain since you can just customize whatever you don't like about Windows :)

full to the brim with spyware and canonical's latest garbage for you to beta test. download something rolling release like and stable, debian sid maybe or opensuse tumbleweed

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I won't bother with Linux until it's literally as easy and perfectly compatible as windows, whether that's due to linux improving or windows degrading.

Use GeForce Now it's cheap here. 450 lira for 6 months. You don't need a good pc to gaym anymore. It kinda sucks tho. Not very responsive.

Windows will always be the better option because of it's market share of the casual DESKTOP user.

>nvidia shill