Can someone explain to me how atheists make fun of religious people for having their beliefs but in the same breath...

can someone explain to me how atheists make fun of religious people for having their beliefs but in the same breath believe you can be neither male or female?
or that men can give birth?

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Not all atheists believe that, is how. Hell, even christians can't agree with each other, hence the panoply of various sects.

i was basically pointing at how wokeism is a religion in of itself

two separate sets of faggots you double faggot

You were doing it poorly, and made a false equivalence as you did so. The set of atheists and the set of wokeists overlap, but not completely.

Do better.

the overlap is worse than religious fanatics because they genuinely "know" what they believe is backed by science

Let's see the christian nationalist whatever are trying to push their view on society. So are we to worship like catholics or prodestants, or maybe the baptist. Which Christ should we follow the mormom version, or the jahova wistnesses version. Are we preying to blond hair blue eyes Jesus? Or the olive skined curly hair sideburns big nosed jew. Do we prey to the god of abraham or a mix of dieties put together to form the new testement god. Which form of Christ's religion are we supposed to live by. Or should we do as the seven day conservitives like kuresh or more military like the moonies. Or maybe we should worship like lowly dogs like jones town, or go buy lates and hiilsong shirts to wear in case the tv cameras pan on the audience and w we can say or church is the best. Christians can't even agree on how who or what to worship.

i said religious people, you automatically fall to christians

interesting... almost like your open mind is only as open as your surroundings and the propaganda you lap up

As opposed to the religious fanatics who "know" what they believe is true? There's cognitive bias everywhere, homes, and you're not doing yourself well by exposing your own.

alright but wokeism and atheism are two different things.

it's a bit like saying "how can christians make fun of woke people for their gender beliefs but in the same breath believe that the earth is flat?"

Then let's discuss sunnis and shiites, and sufists. That work for you? Perhaps theraveda and mahayana buddhism?

fair point, but they are conflated, atheists hold woke cult beliefs and still consider themselves non religious while at the same time holding religious beliefs
the absolute hubris and arrogance of them really pisses me off

>Muh anything is a religion if i call it one.
As you said, their beliefs are "backed by science", science changes thankfully and the acceptance of ideas which insinuate transness is a mental disorder and needs a different set of treatment criteria has become more common.
If something is backed by science, observations, etc; it's not a religion.
A religion relies on faith, or the lack of any evidence at all, it's backed by nothing but the claims of the people who wrote the books that represent those religions; be them influenced by an actual deity or not; you must just believe without evidence that is the case.

>When a man stops believing in God he doesn’t then believe in nothing, he believes anything.
>G K Chesterton

so if a wealthy set of individuals funded organizations to produce scholarly publications that said what the people funding them wanted to say, that isnt a religion?

>but they are conflated
so is flat earth and christianity.

I'm not playing nice with fucking religion anymore. You aren't owed explainaitions. Pray to your piece of shit god one.

and people started believing all of those publications as fact without allowing anyone to question it*
that isnt a religion?

SOME atheists. Part of a set does not define the whole set. Common fallacy

as an atheist I believe the Bible was an archaic form of a historical history book. everything can be explained

>TrUsT De SyEnSe!!!!!!!

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how old are you?

yes, this exactly

guys are retarded. it's supposed to be a circle

They simply don't believe in male and female on the same terms as you. They believe gender is an identity, and they put their hands over their ears and scream if you ask for any clarification on anything to do with biological gender. I'll laugh when it's funny, but it doesn't hurt me and I don't hate it or disrespect it anymore than I do religion. Or atheism, it may as well be a religion the way some of them act. It's all religion, believe thing, preach thing, violence.

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ahh damn youre right, circular logic


I really don't mind what imaginary friends you have, just don't try to tell me what to do.

exactly, you cant throw me in prison for refusing to play pretend with you

This is what kills me about the whole "atheists act like religious nuts". Religions and atheists, from this perspective, is nothing more than a culture. Its like you believe atheists and religious groups are like mobs; a social construct. They are not. The holy books detail specific beliefs and how the culture embraces or expresses these beliefs is culture-specific.

I think when they say atheists, they mean saganists; those who follow the teachings of carl sagan. Atheism in and of itself is not a culture, or even a set of beliefs, just a term that distinguishes themselves from those that believe in a god or gods

Andyes, saganists have retards like christians do that commit logical fallacies just to be in with the hip crowd

They can, and do, throw people in prison for refusing to play pretend with them. They teach your kids (in and out of school) that refusing to play pretend with them makes them bad people - and that it's OK for random groups of people to stage random acts of violence against 'bad' people. The range of delusions you need to not only agree with but vigorously support is always expanding and getting more and more delusional.

You're giving the believers a lot credit by thinking they can comprehend this level of nuance.