What's this?

Came home from a camping trip yesterday with this on my knee. I was eaten alive by mosquitos, and banged my legs around a lot during the trip, but these bite marks look suspicious with this bruising. Thots?

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AIDS. Death will soon be your bride.

Looks like a ringworm infection, eat numerous bulbs of raw garlic or you'll need a leg amputation.

It's the only way to cleanse your blood


spider bite

Doubtful. Thots don't usually visit camping areas.
That aside, I'd guess spider. And they can be serious, depending on the venom and your body chemistry. Starting to look a little nectrotic.

spider bite nigga

if it gets necrotic the go to the er.

Probably this

You go hiking through any bush? I had something similar but i was poked by some rude plant. Basically just a bruise.

I wonder if it is a mosquito bite or two on top of a bruise. The sqeeters were crazy because of the heatwave. Unrelenting into the night.

its hard to tell what it is. you need to post tits or GTFO.

it's a fucking spider bite

This good enuf?
Idk, I almost think the two bites are a coincidence...

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clean it off with some alcohol, then smoke a cigarette. the Nicotine will lower the level of the toxin

you're lucky it didn't bite your penis tip dude

Nerve gas

let me suck the venom out of that spider bite

It's a spider bite, op. Definitely go to the er if it starts getting puss - ey

spidee bites suck - i got one and that shit killed my skin cus i didnt treat it

almost there. tits needed to determine what it is.

What about these? They kinda look like mosquito bites to me, but I'm not sure... Any experts?

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Can’t tell. Need to see bush for more analysis

they look like mosquito bites. but be careful. you need to remove panties to see if the clit is swollen.

Clear sign of a HIV/AIDS infection, how many guys came in your ass this time?

It’s true