My college makes me type code on online browser IDEs...

My college makes me type code on online browser IDEs, could I get away with it if I use a software and then paste it on there?

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pure kek.
> not on linux
> using webshit (without vimism)
yea bro just try it or call your prof a retard for making you use webshit

I'd say kill yourself, if a uni isn't teaching with scheme/lispy (a language perfect for educating someone in programming) you should consider noose. if you want da degree and still want to actually learn something, do the slavework and learn on your own, you should outpace the (one) class if you have any real interest (if your not a sperg).

> My college makes me type code on online browser IDEs

Mate, my college made me write code on paper constantly. In my web dev exam I had to write three pages worth of HTML, CSS, and JS by hand. Do you know how annoying it is to write opening and closing tags on paper? You have no idea how good you have it.

>my college made me write code on paper constantly

My school forced us to either use vim or emacs on their server for assignments and exams, which turned me into a vim autismo

There is a retard the creates a thread about c# daily that really loves it's online browser ide (vscode)
He's proud of doing that because apparently he has a job

I was taught c still hate it.Discovered lisp and Now I hate c even more It ruined linux it ruined JavaScript It spreads like plague and ruined everything.

it ruined nothing.
C a perfectly fine language that gives you absolute control with an optimizing compiler (GCC, ms shit can go fuck itself).
Lisp is the perfect conceptual lang, it can do everything in a simple way, but not use resources effectively without a compiler much better than anything we have. Its great for teaching programming, but not the best language to write in for real use. This applies to Scheme and Common, and all other dialects.

>he went to college to learn programming
If you needed tutoring, you are retarded, good luck landing a gig, smoothbrain

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c has horrible ad hock syintax.I agree its more low level than lisp but its still shitty.I like assembly and I like forth so its not the low level part thats bad its c syintax and sloppy way of doing things being ingrained in everything.

As someone writing perl as we speak, git gud chud.

>C a perfectly fine language that gives you absolute control
nocode detected

>git gud
never understood this cringe statement.

Perl is a very expressive language though. C is very inexpressive, and in real world codebases, often uglier than Perl.

true I even used perl a few times its easier to work with than c.

I had to use notepad lmao

I had tests in cs classes where I had to telnet into some server from windows cmd and write the code in pico

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What's next, PhD in CSS?

If it's not obvious, they're using an IDE that they're in control of to make sure you aren't plagiarising your work, and actually doing your own work.

Being able to type out the instructions from memory is an important part of learning the code block structures and syntax.

petition your school to upgrade to notepadEX

there are phd's in fat and women studies so css sounds legit at this point