The fuck is a "file"?

The fuck is a "file"?

Attached: 2cb.jpg (671x1024, 70.22K)

A person, place, or thing

Fucking Boomers and their made up words like "files" and "folders" like, wtf is a folder? fr fr fr no cap.


The fuck is "female fidelity"? I was taught to cry to attract and keep a woman. was I lied to?

linux is a file

so much for each new generation getting better with technology, lol.
Millenials win.

a reference

Attached: the cake is a file.jpg (719x400, 69.36K)

the fuck is "ownsership"?
the fuck is "privacy"?
the fuck is "faith"?
the fuck is "computer"?

abstraction made by operating systems to deal with bits on the storage medium

tf is abstractions bro wtf

bruh how do i change the name of the file no cap frfr

Do i look like i know what a JAYPEG is?

Attached: 1638842048681.png (622x464, 313.12K)

Which variant? Metal, nail, paper, or computer?

I know do I JAYPEG a look is what like?

On- G! Bro. Forre-forreal.. this new Aiphone is BUSSIn no cap!

A miserable little pile of bytes

Attached: DracSymph.jpg (1440x1920, 975.19K)

And to think people used to question the efficacy of brainwashing your enemy into racemixing to ensure their destruction.

You really should know this.
Do americans really not have any sort of workshop in their schools?

Attached: file.jpg (1500x1094, 155.91K)

Gen Z was scammed by stepfamily porn and apps, right? But who created those things - millenials.

Do wintoddlers really think “app” became common nomenclature in the smartphone era?

What is a wintoddler? "App" is a mobile application last I heard. I call executables binaries and programs.
