How hard would it be to build a nuclear reactor simulator with Django and Python?

Im thinking of starting a project of making a nuclear reactor simulator where you can control the flow rates, control rods, neutron flux, temps, etc. pic related

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Hi. Chemical engineer here who happens to branch out into simulation and modeling.

It’s quite possible, but remember, a model is always and approximation of reality. There are no one-to-one corresponding perfect representations of reality in a model/simulation.

If you decide on a simple approximation model, then your model has no meaning beyond a mental excercise, with no use for predicting behavior of the actual system.

There is always error.

>Hi. Chemical engineer here who

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>Django and Python
Seems pretty fucking easy, I'm pretty sure simulation itself wiill be a total pain in the ass to do in any language, UI is the easy part. Could probably do that with just Flask.

Actually, this time I’m being unironic. There really are highly trained people on here, we lurk here for the non-bullshit of these boards mixed with its technical discussion.

My original PhD thesis was in smelter modeling which ended up being converted into a masters thesis regarding a novel simulation assembly software.

This is where I focused more and more on developing skills as a software engineer, because I identified the fact that to write actual reliable simulation software requires knowledge from software development itself, for anyone to trust the output of any coded simulation, given how software bugs are typical.

Interestingly, I’ve heeard Adam Curry discuss this very issue in respect to simulation results produced from large hadron collider simulations.

So, what I’m saying is, yes, there are more than tranny faget basement dwellers on here. There are a lot of highly trained and educated people on /g, and we are here because this place avoids the bullshit of other forums that use “social credit” such as FB.

I built one in VB3 back in 2002 or so
posted it to planetsourcecode

lol imagine misunderstanding why you're being made fun of and then doing the exact same thing again

Imagine not thinking outside the possibility of one simple minded inference.

I figured Xe was pointing out only LARPers would post this, shit, given how unlikely they think actual engineers would post.

Also, complete ad hominem. No discussion of the original points raised.

>I figured Xe was pointing out only LARPers would post this, shit, given how unlikely they think actual engineers would post.

>Also, complete ad hominem. No discussion of the original points raised.

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easy as hell but why django? Just use something like taichi or dearimgui for graphics.

>My original PhD thesis
>converted into a masters thesis

what do you mean by "simulator"? if you want a toy, fucking ezpz. if you want an actual real simulation, lmao good luck writing COMSOL on your own

wtf are you angry about, le education bad?? it's not like this poster was making a value judgement saying they're better than you or something. but if you got that, it was pure projection

here look at
no idea how good the simulations are.


>it's the usual "I know to code therefore everything else is stupid"
listen buddy, if you want to simulate something you first have to actually know about that thing.
are you a nuclear physicist? do you have a nuclear physicist friend?

> actual advice from someone with experience in the problem domain requested by OP is automatically wrong because muh reddit spacing.
I can see OP never wanted any practical answer, just platitudes that yes everything is fine, we’re fine ... how are you?

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qa retards are the cancer killing anonymous online discussions

It's always a balancing act between size of board and quality. While bigger boards allow better discussion due to higher amounts of good posters, retards are gonna repel smart posters and shit up the board so it might well be worse in practice

why django? it's web framework.

Why are you asking this? You know it's possible. Just do it...

Clearly he is just doing it for fun and not planning to use it for building a real nuclear reactor.
Also you have to go back.

>Hi. Chemical engineer here who

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>Actually, this time I’m being unironic. There really are highly trained people on here, we lurk here for the non-bullshit of these boards mixed with its technical discussion.

>My original PhD thesis was in smelter modeling which ended up being converted into a masters thesis regarding a novel simulation assembly software.

>This is where I focused more and more on developing skills as a software engineer, because I identified the fact that to write actual reliable simulation software requires knowledge from software development itself, for anyone to trust the output of any coded simulation, given how software bugs are typical.

>Interestingly, I’ve heeard Adam Curry discuss this very issue in respect to simulation results produced from large hadron collider simulations.

>So, what I’m saying is, yes, there are more than tranny faget basement dwellers on here. There are a lot of highly trained and educated people on /g, and we are here because this place avoids the bullshit of other forums that use “social credit” such as FB.

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>söyboy filled long wall of text to state the obvious
Hi. Biomed engineer here. I was trained to read past bullshit and not beat around the bush. Go back.

This is literally my job. Unlike chemical-engineering bro elsewhere in the thread I actually do have a phd, and it's in nuclear engineering.
If you want to model the whole primary side of the reactor, the core is actually the easiest part. throw in a point kinetics model of the core, look up some parameters from any commercial reactor. This part can be written in fewer than a few dozen lines of python, and it will run effectively instantly.
The much harder part is the model of the fluid system. Power plants use big code packages like PARCS and RELAP to do this. You're going to need to come up with some clever simplifications, and to do this you will need some knowledge of the physics involved. Do you have that, OP?

>a nuclear reactor simulator
Like a sim game?

I don't get itvvvn4k